Accutrix / Rolimons

A module for interacting with the Rolimons website
MIT License
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Use API if ID of an item is not known #1

Closed Banik1103 closed 3 years ago

Banik1103 commented 3 years ago

Hello there!

I'm trying to use create item objects, but I don't have the ID's of the items and was hoping to get the items' IDs by using your API. Is there a way to create item objects without an item's ID?

optimisticside commented 3 years ago

You cannot create an item without the item's ID. I don't think there is any way to do this (Roblox doesn't provide any APIs to do this, and I haven't really dug deep into how searches work in Rolimons). Although, you might be able to find a third-party API that does support this.