I think we need to do a little ui work on the config.
somehow play a preview of the voice (maybe just call the translate.pb exe within the app. But it would mean having a way of saving the config and not just closing the window on save).
a neater way of showing the voices eg like screenshot. Ideally a way of filtering by country but if not listing by country Mainly for Google and azure
Maybe the tts options should be a dropdown? I’m not sure.
A lot of people might start using this JUST to do the TTS in Azure/Google. Somehow we need to spli the UI - or make it clearer about the "No translate" option. I'm not sure how. Maybe oen way would be to hide all the tranlate options unless you toggle it on.. I don't know
(To get voice list for azure
from azure.cognitiveservices.speech import TextToSpeechClient
from azure.cognitiveservices.speech.texttospeech import models
from msrest.authentication import CognitiveServicesCredentials
# Your Azure Text-to-Speech subscription key and endpoint
subscription_key = 'YOUR_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY'
service_region = 'YOUR_REGION'
endpoint = f'https://{service_region}.tts.speech.azure.com/'
# Create a TextToSpeechClient
credentials = CognitiveServicesCredentials(subscription_key)
tts_client = TextToSpeechClient(endpoint, credentials)
# Get available voices
voices = tts_client.voice_synthesis.get_voices()
# Iterate through the voices and print their details
for voice in voices:
print(f"Name: {voice.name}")
print(f"Language: {voice.locale}")
print(f"Gender: {voice.gender}")
print(f"Voice type: {voice.voice_type}")
print(f"Style list: {voice.style_list}")
``` )
I think we need to do a little ui work on the config.
(To get voice list for azure
from azure.cognitiveservices.speech import TextToSpeechClient from azure.cognitiveservices.speech.texttospeech import models from msrest.authentication import CognitiveServicesCredentials