I need to add a second page - printing-instructions.html to the speakbook project.
Its much simpler than the more complex index page. I think this will be straightforward markdown. But how would we do it - and add it to the buildpdf buildchain?
NB: I don't think we will bother to use POEditor strings for a lot of this. Its a lot of text. Maybe some parts like "Speakbook" and URL - but I can't see what else
I need to add a second page - printing-instructions.html to the speakbook project.
Its much simpler than the more complex index page. I think this will be straightforward markdown. But how would we do it - and add it to the buildpdf buildchain?
See here for the kind of thing we need to create.
NB: I don't think we will bother to use POEditor strings for a lot of this. Its a lot of text. Maybe some parts like "Speakbook" and URL - but I can't see what else