AceCentre / TextAloud

iOS app. Built in Swift. Reads out text - sentence by sentence, paragraph by paragraph or word by word
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Build and release for Apple TV #57

Open willwade opened 1 year ago

willwade commented 1 year ago

Michael raised this the other week. That we come across users with a large tv and want to use that instead of a smaller device. Strikes me we could do that fairly easily by adding the tv target.

gavinhenderson commented 1 year ago

So while we could just add a new target the app would look terrible and be basically unusable.

However, getting it running on TV OS is still fairly simple. Instead of using SwiftUI you use TVUIKit, but its all still written in swift with the same APIs so it would just be a case of building up the simple TV UI then wiring in all our existing logic, which would be fairly simple. I reckon it would be about a weeks worth of work max and that would give us a really great TV app