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message bar history impl & improvements & bugfixes #182

Closed hosseinzoda closed 4 years ago

hosseinzoda commented 4 years ago
  1. message bar implementation
  2. at main change index.html body not-selectable but #tree is not-selectable
  3. remove load_tree, instead install_tree at start, which helps to reduce complexity at start/stop process, and gather all initial manipulation at install_tree
  4. introduce meta-auditory-main, It is now used at utterance of message bar. It will allow a node to be displayed with a specific text and then utterance will be auditory-main.
willwade commented 4 years ago

Cool! Anything I need to add to build script?

willwade commented 4 years ago

To be precise:

ReferenceError: Can't find variable: _tree_go_in eval_config@ promiseReactionJob@[native code]

checkpoint: promiseReactionJob@[native code]

hosseinzoda commented 4 years ago

My mistake. Fixed

willwade commented 4 years ago

Couple of small questions!.

  1. Is there a colour style for the Message bar? (we have a user who needs it the same style as the main area - so I'm thinking we may need a line separating the two areas)
  2. I wonder if we can do a separate font size for message bar or would that get complicated?

Also - re: "Utter message option in all branches"

  1. Is this trying to do a message history? Its not really working for me. E.g. If I have it on - and say "Chat > Message history" it says "Chat, Message History". Is there something I'm not getting?
hosseinzoda commented 4 years ago

Couple of small questions!.

1. Is there a colour style for the Message bar? (we have a user who needs it the same style as the main area - so I'm thinking we may need a line separating the two areas)

2. I wonder if we can do a separate font size for message bar or would that get complicated?

Sure, Do you want fixed font-size? Or it should relatively smaller/larger.

Also - re: "Utter message option in all branches"

1. Is this trying to do a message history? Its not really working for me. E.g. If I have it on - and say "Chat > Message history" it says "Chat, Message History". Is there something I'm not getting?

Well. I think. I didn't understand what you mean here, Can you elaborate, What it should do?

willwade commented 4 years ago

Couple of small questions!.

1. Is there a colour style for the Message bar? (we have a user who needs it the same style as the main area - so I'm thinking we may need a line separating the two areas)

2. I wonder if we can do a separate font size for message bar or would that get complicated?

Sure, Do you want fixed font-size? Or it should relatively smaller/larger.

I think relative

Also - re: "Utter message option in all branches"

1. Is this trying to do a message history? Its not really working for me. E.g. If I have it on - and say "Chat > Message history" it says "Chat, Message History". Is there something I'm not getting?

Well. I think. I didn't understand what you mean here, Can you elaborate, What it should do?

Ok - reading #119 I see whats going on now. I've written that badly..I think I know how to fix it - let me first demonstrate it with spelling.

So we spell something "CAT" the person hits "Space" - it says it outloud - and the message bar clears. It shouldn't clear by default. What we want is for "CAT SAT " etc.. to be in message bar. What we then need is a way for the user to Read aloud the whole message bar - and we would need an action to clear it.

So to fix this;

  1. The Helper would create a two new elements "Read message bar" "Clear message bar".
  2. We also would have a meta-data action to manually allow someone to design a tree with these actions.
  3. In the helper - we also have a tick box - "Clear message bar on Speak - All messages" "Clear message bar on Speak - All except Spelling".

That make sense?

hosseinzoda commented 4 years ago

I see, I think we need to separate spelling from normal selection.

In this code it is already separated to some extend. What if I implement message bar only for spelling. We can extend It's use when it is needed?

hosseinzoda commented 4 years ago

In fact we can skip these two new meta tags and keep it in existing ones in spell.

  1. spell-finish will do same as read message bar, And it does clear message bar.
  2. I think space is already reads the written word aloud.
willwade commented 4 years ago

Yes. That’s a good idea. Let’s keep it to spelling only for now.

hosseinzoda commented 4 years ago

Now message bar is only for spelling.

willwade commented 4 years ago

Two small tweaks!

  1. Can spell space read last word but NOT clear message bar
  2. Can we make it themable so we can edit Color etc ?
hosseinzoda commented 4 years ago

Two small tweaks!

1. Can spell space read last word but NOT clear message bar

At the moment spelling process does have its own speech at selection of space or any letter/word. And it does not clear message bar. What should I change?

2. Can we make it themable so we can edit Color etc ?


willwade commented 4 years ago

Fab. Apologies then. That should do for now.

willwade commented 4 years ago

@hosseinamin - Ok - Watch the video: . Lets say I want to write "Happy as a cloud" (and then speak).. Currently it speaks and then clears after it says "Happy" (because Space appears to be clear it. Is there something wrong in my syntax? (this is the syntax of that video:

UPDATE: I think I know whats wrong. The space action currently speaks and returns out of the current branch. I think we need to correct that somehow. 1). Either make "Space" a space - and read last word (and not exit branch). Or 2). IF Message bar on - make space a space - and read last word (and not exit branch).

Does that make sense? We then need a way of reading the entire message bar..

Sorry for doing this on a closed PR. Wasnt sure best place to pop it

hosseinzoda commented 4 years ago

The spell-word-prediction dyn has data-spell-finish attribute. Which means it will end it by uttering that word. Please remove it and see if it does what you want.

  <meta data-dyn="spell-word-prediction" data-words-file="trees/Spell_Prediction/bncfrequency.json" data-max-nodes="3" data-spell-finish>
willwade commented 4 years ago

Got it. Im an idiot (/need to document this better)