AceFire6 / ordered-arrowverse

A listing of all shows in the Arrowverse in watch order to ensure continuity and sensible ordering for crossover episodes
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Air date vs Chronological order. #403

Open Poofey opened 9 months ago

Poofey commented 9 months ago

Flash s2e18 "All star teamup" aired after Arrow s3e18 "public enemy" however, chronologically it happens between arrow s3e16 and e17. Even though the sites sorts episodes with air dates would it be feasible to sort them so that these events happen in order? it's just weird to see felicity and team arrow getting in trouble with the law and atom almost dying only to immediately see them in a crossover episode like everythings fine. And I'm sure it's not the only time that events get jumbled with air dates.

ChippewaBarr commented 4 months ago

May as well tag on here.

Flash S01E22 is chronologically incorrect. It takes place after Arrow S03E20 but before Arrow S03E21, and also after Flash S01E20 but before S01E22.

In the episode Eddie is still captured (until they find him in the episode) and Oliver is still "Oliver" and hasn't fully "assimilated" into Ras al Ghul's heir but still wears the League of Assassin's garb while helping Barry - and also gives him a heads up that he may need Barry's help soon.