AceTheEldritchKing / Secrets-Of-Forging-Revelations

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Some probblem with 1.20 #5

Open anechooyo opened 1 month ago

anechooyo commented 1 month ago

Hi,I'm using your code as an example for my onw project. but as a beginner,I meet some problem. exactly,at net.acetheeldritchking.item.ModularPolearm, line 102, "allowedIn" is not work at version 1.20.1,could you please give me some suggestion?

AceTheEldritchKing commented 1 month ago

Hello, I'm actually not very familiar with Tetra for 1.20.1 since it is closed source. I recommend you look at the code for Tetra through your IDE, specifically how the hammers are added to the creative menu. Good luck!

anechooyo commented 1 month ago

OK,thank you very much!