Acebots-AI / my-tiny-service

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Add documentation #10

Closed artmoskvin closed 4 months ago

artmoskvin commented 4 months ago

Let's start with a proper file. It should have a description, a quickstart and development guides.

devbuddytest[bot] commented 4 months ago

To proceed with addressing the GitHub issue regarding adding documentation with a proper file, I will need to review the repository's structure and content. This will help in creating a comprehensive README that includes a project description, a quickstart guide, and development guidelines.

First, I will use the functions.get_repo_map tool to get an overview of the project's structure, including classes, functions, and files. This information will be crucial in understanding the project's scope and key components, which should be highlighted in the README.

Let's start by getting the project outline:

  "branch": "main"

After reviewing the project outline, I will draft a bullet-point plan for the file, which will include:

  1. Project Description:
    • Brief overview of the project's purpose and key features.
  2. Quickstart Guide:
    • Prerequisites for running the project.
    • Steps to clone the repository and install dependencies.
    • Instructions to run the project locally.
  3. Development Guide:
    • Guidelines for setting up the development environment.
    • Instructions for running tests.
    • Contribution guidelines, including how to fork the repository, create feature branches, and submit pull requests.
    • Coding standards and best practices to follow.

Once the draft plan is ready, I will discuss it with the team to get their input and approval. After incorporating any feedback and finalizing the plan, I will proceed to implement it by creating or updating the file accordingly. Finally, I will open a pull request with the changes for review by the team.

Let's start by getting the project outline using the functions.get_repo_map tool.

devbuddytest[bot] commented 4 months ago

Based on the project outline, the repository contains a FastAPI application with a focus on mathematical operations. It includes API endpoints for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, along with a root endpoint and settings configuration. There are also tests for the API endpoints. Here's a draft plan for the file:

  1. Project Description:

    • Introduction to "My Tiny Service", a FastAPI application designed to perform basic mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
    • Highlight the use of FastAPI for creating efficient, type-safe RESTful APIs.
  2. Quickstart Guide:

    • Prerequisites: Python 3.8+, pip.
    • Installation:
      • Clone the repository: git clone
      • Navigate to the project directory: cd my-tiny-service
      • Install dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
    • Running the Application:
      • Start the server: uvicorn my_tiny_service.main:main --reload
      • Access the API documentation: Open in a web browser.
  3. Development Guide:

    • Setting Up the Development Environment: Follow the Quickstart Guide to set up your local environment.
    • Running Tests:
      • Execute pytest in the project root to run all tests.
    • Contribution Guidelines:
      • Fork the repository and clone your fork.
      • Create a new branch for your feature: git checkout -b feature/my-new-feature.
      • Make changes and commit: git commit -am 'Add some feature'.
      • Push to the branch: git push origin feature/my-new-feature.
      • Submit a pull request through GitHub.
    • Coding Standards: Follow PEP 8 guidelines and ensure type hints are used for function signatures.

I will now discuss this plan with the team to get their input and approval. Once approved, I will proceed to implement the file accordingly.