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Add endpoint that returns current timestamp #4

Closed artmoskvin closed 4 months ago

artmoskvin commented 4 months ago

The timestamp should have the ISO format

devbuddytest[bot] commented 4 months ago

To add an endpoint that returns the current timestamp in ISO format, we can follow these steps:

  1. Identify the Appropriate Router File: Based on the project structure, it seems appropriate to add the new endpoint to the router file located at my_tiny_service/api/routers/ This file already contains a simple endpoint, making it a suitable place for another straightforward endpoint.

  2. Define the Endpoint Function:

    • Import necessary modules: Ensure that the datetime module is imported to work with timestamps.
    • Define a new async function that does not take any parameters (other than the default FastAPI parameters if needed).
    • Use the datetime module to get the current timestamp, format it to ISO format, and return it.
  3. Update the Router:

    • Add a new route to the router object in that points to the newly defined function. Choose an appropriate path, such as /timestamp.
  4. Update Tests (Optional but Recommended):

    • Add a new test function in tests/ to ensure the new endpoint returns a 200 status code and the correct format of the timestamp.
  5. Documentation and Comments:

    • Add comments to the new endpoint function explaining its purpose and how it works.
    • Ensure that any new tests are also well-documented.
  6. Manual Testing and Validation:

    • Before finalizing, manually test the new endpoint using tools like Postman or curl to ensure it behaves as expected.
  7. Commit and Open a Pull Request:

    • Once the implementation is complete and tested, commit the changes to a new branch.
    • Open a pull request against the main branch, providing a clear description of the changes and tagging relevant team members for review.
  8. Review and Merge:

    • Address any feedback from the team during the review process.
    • Once approved, merge the pull request into the main branch.

This plan aims to add the new endpoint efficiently while maintaining the project's structure and standards. Let's discuss this with the team for any suggestions or approval before proceeding.

artmoskvin commented 4 months ago

@devbuddytest updating tests is not optional, it's a must

devbuddytest[bot] commented 4 months ago

Understood, updating tests is indeed crucial for maintaining the quality and reliability of the software. Let's revise the plan to emphasize the importance of updating tests:

  1. Identify the Appropriate Router File: Locate the router file at my_tiny_service/api/routers/ for adding the new endpoint.

  2. Define the Endpoint Function:

    • Ensure the datetime module is imported for working with timestamps.
    • Define a new async function that returns the current timestamp in ISO format.
  3. Update the Router:

    • Add a new route to the router object in for the timestamp endpoint.
  4. Mandatory Update of Tests:

    • Add a new test in tests/ to verify the new endpoint returns a 200 status code and the timestamp in the correct format. This step is mandatory to ensure the new functionality works as expected and does not introduce regressions.
  5. Documentation and Comments:

    • Document the purpose and functionality of the new endpoint and the test case.
  6. Manual Testing and Validation:

    • Manually test the new endpoint to ensure it behaves as expected.
  7. Commit and Open a Pull Request:

    • Commit the changes to a new branch and open a pull request against the main branch, detailing the changes and including test results.
  8. Review and Merge:

    • Address any feedback from the team during the review process.
    • Merge the pull request into the main branch once it's approved.

This revised plan ensures that updating tests is treated as a mandatory step, reinforcing the importance of maintaining high-quality standards in the project. Let's proceed with this plan after team approval.

artmoskvin commented 4 months ago

@devbuddytest plan approved

devbuddytest[bot] commented 4 months ago

The pull request has been successfully created. You can view and review the changes at the following link: Add Endpoint for Current Timestamp in ISO Format. This pull request includes the implementation of the new /timestamp endpoint, updates to the router imports, and a new test case to ensure the endpoint behaves as expected.