Aceinna / platform-aceinna_imu

Aceinna Navigation Studio: open-source, embedded development platform for Aceinna IMU hardware. Run custom algorithms and navigation code on Aceinna IMU/INS hardware
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Unable to compile RTK_INS example #20

Open thierry3000 opened 3 years ago

thierry3000 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for this great project!

I intend to understand the programing of an OpenRTK330LI. So far I managed to install PlatformIO together with the Aceinna AddOn within VisualStudioCode on Windows 10. Unfortunately I am not able to compile the RTK_INS example. I tried with several branches of the repository, but got always stuck. The errors (see below) guide to some "UserConfigurationStruct". Did I miss some configurations here? Are there other working examples or "HowTo"s for OpenRTK330LI? Any help would be appreciated.

My output looks like this:

PS C:\Users\Fredrich\gitCodes\platform-aceinna_imu\examples\OpenRTK330LI\RTK_INS> pio run -c .\platformio.ini Processing OpenRTK (platform: aceinna_imu; board: OpenRTK)

Verbose mode can be enabled via -v, --verbose option CONFIGURATION: PLATFORM: Aceinna IMU (1.3.1) > Aceinna OpenIMU 330ZA HARDWARE: STM32F469IG 180MHz, 384KB RAM, 1MB Flash DEBUG: Current (stlink) External (blackmagic, jlink, stlink) PACKAGES: