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HTMD: Programming Environment for Molecular Discovery
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mol2 writer atom types format #847

Closed j3mdamas closed 4 years ago

j3mdamas commented 5 years ago

The mol2 writer could offer the possibility of compatibility with chemoinformatics tools (e.g. openbabel, rdkit).

Rdkit expects Corina atom types or Tripos sybyl (not as assured): Openbabel uses Tripos sybyl atom types:

Tripos sybyl atom types example reference:

MDAnalysis provides the "official" format, for example:

stefdoerr commented 4 years ago

I don't see this as a meaningful addition. Molecule is not meant to have any sort of chemical understanding/fixing. This is the job of rdkit and other packages. If we don't read in atom types we should not expect atom types out.