I'm having problems setting up the ligand parameters with a charmm force field.
I normally use AMBER and add the ligand by defining the MOL2, PREPI and frcmod_lig for the ligand, and everything was working well with amber.build. Is there an easy way to convert these files into charmm compatible parameter files?
On top of this, I am using the modified charmm36m, for which I have parameters that are working for the protein alone. Just to show you, I tried to build my topology as:
Yes you will have to do the conversion from ligand AMBER parameters yourself. Proteins are ok. Some tools that do conversions are parmed and acpype. Possibly there are more which I don't know of.
Hello! I'm having problems setting up the ligand parameters with a charmm force field. I normally use AMBER and add the ligand by defining the MOL2, PREPI and frcmod_lig for the ligand, and everything was working well with amber.build. Is there an easy way to convert these files into charmm compatible parameter files? On top of this, I am using the modified charmm36m, for which I have parameters that are working for the protein alone. Just to show you, I tried to build my topology as:
topos = ['top/top_all36_prot.rtf', 'top/top_water_ions.rtf', 'ff_parameters/tmp.prepi'] params = ['ff_parameters/par_all36m_prot.prm', 'par/par_water_ions.prm', 'ff_parameters/frcmod_lig']
molbuilt = charmm.build(smol, outdir='./build1/', saltconc=0.1, param=params_charmm, topo=topos_charmm) molbuilt.view()
Thank you in advance!