Aceship / AN-EN-Tags

English + image fork
163 stars 121 forks source link

Add some Archetype & Module trait and fixed #176

Closed PuppiizSunniiz closed 1 year ago

PuppiizSunniiz commented 1 year ago

Changelog :

Known Issue CN Only Operator/Archetype :

PuppiizSunniiz commented 1 year ago

Mod trait fixed


Changelog :


Changelog :

Aceship commented 1 year ago

i havent checked fully, but some i checked seems fine , thanks for the pr 👍

Known Issue

* **CN Only** Mod :

  * Phalanx Caster : PLX-X
  * Blast Caster : BLA-X
  * Centurion : CEN-X & CEN-Y
  * Hellagur (Musha) : MUS-Y
  * Push Stroker : PUS-X & PUS-Y
  * Trapmaster : TRP-X
  * Geek : GEE-X
  * Hexer : UMD-X
  * Artificer : CRA-X
  * Standard Bearer : BEA-X

is the issue just not translated or something else more buggy ?

if its just untranslated, i think its still okay (since it was worse before this pr)

PuppiizSunniiz commented 1 year ago

just not translated

with broken English and no knowledge in Chinese i cant recheck anything so using official to play safe xD

Aceship commented 1 year ago

just not translated

with broken English and no knowledge in Chinese i cant recheck anything so using official to play safe xD

same, made the whole toolbox website since i cant chinese

thanks for the pr 👍