AchimPieters / ESP8266-HomeKit-NeoPixel-RGBW-Light-Strip

ESP8266 HomeKit - NeoPixel RGBW Light Strip
MIT License
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Reboot Issue after upload #1

Open dbartelmus opened 4 years ago

dbartelmus commented 4 years ago

Zrzut ekranu 2020-02-10 o 15 08 19

AchimPieters commented 4 years ago

Need some more information, hardware etc. did you compile it your self or did you use the precompiled version etc.etc.

dbartelmus commented 4 years ago

So i test your code on "Wemod D1 Mini", then on NodeMCU V3 LoLin. Same results. I've used 3 different method of upload

I've used both your bin and I've build (make) your code from this repo and this lead me to error which are shown above.

AchimPieters commented 4 years ago

Curious, what happens when you use this binary:

dbartelmus commented 4 years ago

Same thing. Are you exporting custom memory allocation string? ex. export FLASH_SIZE=1M export HOMEKIT_SPI_FLASH_BASE_ADDR=0x7A000

AchimPieters commented 4 years ago

Ah, there it is: you need to use 0x8c000 for more information go to:

dbartelmus commented 4 years ago

I've used it before uploading .bin and I've build it according to your instruction (on linux not inside docker). Same...

AchimPieters commented 4 years ago

that's really strange something else must be the issue. If none of the binary files work that you upload? I will ask Maxim the founding father of this project.

AchimPieters commented 4 years ago

@dbartelmus your hardware setup should be like this

you need these files: File name: rboot.bin Version: 1.4.2

File name: blank_config.bin Version: 1.4.2

File name: OTABoot.bin Version: 1.0.0

Putting Device Into Flash Mode

To enable ESP8266 firmware flashing GPIO0 pin must be pulled low before the device is reset. Conversely, for a normal boot, GPIO0 must be pulled high or floating. Start in FLASH MODE – Press both buttons, release the RESET button and then release the PROGRAM button.

Use to flash it in your device. First, erase flash: erase_flash

Normally, your ESPPort will be something like /dev/cu.usbserial-A50285BI. Then, set your device in flash-mode again, and flash the new firmware: -p /dev/cu.usbserial-A50285BI --baud 115200 write_flash -fs 1MB -fm dout -ff 40m 0x0 rboot.bin 0x1000 blank_config.bin 0x2000 otaboot.bin

Note: If you use an old version of esptool, you must change -fs 1MB to -fs 8m.