AchimPieters / ESP8266-HomeKit-NeoPixel-RGBW-Light-Strip

ESP8266 HomeKit - NeoPixel RGBW Light Strip
MIT License
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Two Issues - neopixel sk6812 colours incorrect and Mesh Wifi not working #3

Open DigitalElise opened 2 years ago

DigitalElise commented 2 years ago

Hi Pieters,

I am having a couple of issues with the RGBW Neopixels.

The first is that the colours that homekit sets on my SK6812 strips are incorrect, these strips are the ones are the one that adafruit sold, not sure if they still sell the same ones as they are a few years old. when I set a colour on the home app its not the colour that displays on the strip. I am thinking it's possibly that the strips might be BGR instead of RGB, but not sure.

The second is the wifi not connecting when I try to connect to my ASUS XT8 Mesh wifi. It connects fine to my old Apple Time Capsule but not to the newer ASUS wifi, any thoughts on what might cause this? I have tried most of your devices and even the full SDK install with the same result.

Not sure what you might need in terms of logs to understand the issue. Thanks