Achronite / mqtt-energenie-ener314rt

MQTT interface for Energenie ENER314-RT add-on board for the Raspberry Pi, designed for use by Home Assistant.
MIT License
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Add dropdown to climate control dashboard card for most used maintainance operations for eTRV #90

Open Achronite opened 4 months ago

Achronite commented 4 months ago

Release 2023.9 of Home Assistant introduced option features that can be added to dashboard cards. This change would make use of a drop-down to add some of the maintenance commands for the eTRV as an optional entry.

Something along these lines:

  - type: climate-preset-modes
    style: dropdown
      - "Cancel Command"
      - "Request Diagnostics"
      - "Request Voltage"
      - "Exercise Valve"
      - "Identify"
      - "Low Power Mode ON"
      - "Low Power Mode OFF"