AcidWeb / CurseBreaker

TUI/CLI addon updater for World of Warcraft.
GNU General Public License v3.0
765 stars 72 forks source link

CurseBreaker automatically installs "ACE3 GUI Panel Widget" after each update check #169

Closed Asbra closed 3 years ago

Asbra commented 3 years ago

This is happening since latest update and I'm not sure why.

I thought maybe it's a optional dependency of one of the addons I have installed but a grep didn't seem to find it..

D:\Games\World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface\AddOns
❭ grep 'ACE3' -R .
./BetterWardrobe/BetterWardrobe.lua:--ACE3 Option Handlers
./BetterWardrobe/BetterWardrobe.lua:--ACE3 Options Constuctor
./GarrisonCommander/libs/LibInit/LibInit.lua:-- Recycling function from ACE3
./OrderHallCommander/libs/LibInit/LibInit.lua:-- Recycling function from ACE3
./Quartz/locale/esMX.lua:L["Congratulations! You've just upgraded Quartz from the old Ace2-based version to the new Ace3 version!"] = "Felicidades! Acabas de actualizar Quartz de la antigua versión basada en ACE2 a la nueva versión ACE3"
./weizPVP/Modules/Config.lua:--|> ACE3 SLASH COMMANDS TABLE
───────────────────────────────────── CurseBreaker v3.11.1 ──────────────────────────────────────

Use command help or press TAB to see a list of available commands.
Command exit or pressing CTRL+D will close the application.

CB> update
93/93 | ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── |
│      Status       │ Name                                │ Version                             │
│    Up-to-date     │ Accountant Classic                  │ v2.12.01                            │
│    Up-to-date     │ Addon Control Panel                 │ 3.5.7                               │
│    Up-to-date     │ AdvancedInterfaceOptions            │ 1.3.4                               │
│    Up-to-date     │ ALL THE THINGS                      │ BFA 2.0.8                           │
│    Up-to-date     │ Angry Keystones                     │ v0.18.4                             │
│    Up-to-date     │ ArkInventory                        │ 3.09.41.Retail                      │
│    Up-to-date     │ Astral Keys                         │ 3.25                                │
│    Up-to-date     │ AzeritePowerWeights                 │ 8.3.14                              │
│    Up-to-date     │ Azeroth Auto Pilot                  │ v8.1058                             │
│    Up-to-date     │ Bartender4                          │ 4.9.0                               │
│    Up-to-date     │ Better Wardrobe and Transmog        │ v1.10.5                             │
│    Up-to-date     │ BigWigs Bossmods                    │ v184.4                              │
│    Up-to-date     │ Broker_Currencyflow                 │ v1.7.5                              │
│    Up-to-date     │ BugGrabber                          │ v8.2.1                              │
│    Up-to-date     │ BugSack                             │ v8.2.0                              │
│    Up-to-date     │ Can I Mog It?                       │ 8.3.0v1.25                          │
│    Up-to-date     │ ChocolateBar Broker Display         │ v3.3.5                              │
│    Up-to-date     │ Data Broker Volume Control          │ v1.7.5                              │
│    Up-to-date     │ DejaCharacterStats                  │ 830r306                             │
│    Up-to-date     │ DynamicCam                          │ 1.4.1                               │
│    Up-to-date     │ eAlign Updated                      │ 8.3.0                               │
│    Up-to-date     │ Elkano's BuffBars                   │ 2.5.2 - r193                        │
│    Up-to-date     │ Executive Assistant                 │ ExecutiveAssistant_v1.3a            │
│    Up-to-date     │ FarmHud                             │ 8.4.9-release                       │
│    Up-to-date     │ Fishing Buddy                       │ 1.10.10                             │
│    Up-to-date     │ GarrisonCommander                   │ 3.2.4                               │
│    Up-to-date     │ GatherMate2                         │ 1.45.6                              │
│    Up-to-date     │ GatherMate2_Data                    │ v33.0                               │
│    Up-to-date     │ Glass                               │ 1.7.0                               │
│    Up-to-date     │ GSE: Gnome Sequencer Enhanced : Ad… │ 2.5.11                              │
│    Up-to-date     │ GTFO                                │ 4.56                                │
│    Up-to-date     │ HandyNotes                          │ v1.5.10                             │
│    Up-to-date     │ HandyNotes: Battle for Azeroth Tre… │ v8                                  │
│    Up-to-date     │ HandyNotes: Mechagon & Nazjatar     │ v13                                 │
│    Up-to-date     │ HandyNotes: Visions of N'Zoth       │ v38                                 │
│    Up-to-date     │ Hekili                              │ v8.3.7-04                           │
│    Up-to-date     │ Interface Usage                     │ 18.08.12                            │
│    Up-to-date     │ InvasionTimer                       │ v8.3.2                              │
│    Up-to-date     │ Killshot                            │ Killshot v7.2.2                     │
│    Up-to-date     │ Killshot_Sounds                     │ Killshot_Sounds v1.02               │
│    Up-to-date     │ Lazy Ready Check                    │ 1.3.9                               │
│    Up-to-date     │ Leatrix Maps (Battle for Azeroth a… │ 8.3.38                              │
│    Up-to-date     │ Leatrix Plus (Battle for Azeroth a… │ 8.3.38                              │
│    Up-to-date     │ LibDeflate                          │ 1.0.2-release                       │
│    Up-to-date     │ LittleWigs                          │ v8.3.11                             │
│    Up-to-date     │ LoggerHead                          │ 8.3.0                               │
│    Up-to-date     │ Masque                              │ 8.3.1                               │
│    Up-to-date     │ MobInfo2                            │ 8.3.0                               │
│    Up-to-date     │ Narcissus                           │ 1.0.9a                              │
│    Up-to-date     │ OmniCC                              │ 8.3.6                               │
│    Up-to-date     │ OPie                                │ Xe 1a                               │
│    Up-to-date     │ OrderHallCommander                  │ 1.7.6                               │
│    Up-to-date     │ OrderHallFollowerGearOptimizer      │ 1.17                                │
│    Up-to-date     │ Pawn                                │ 2.3.36                              │
│    Up-to-date     │ Pawn Scrap                          │ 5                                   │
│    Up-to-date     │ PetTracker                          │ 8.3.8                               │
│    Up-to-date     │ Plater Nameplates                   │ Plater-v8.3.0.307-Retail            │
│    Up-to-date     │ Prat 3.0                            │ 3.8.26                              │
│    Up-to-date     │ ProspectBar Lives                   │ Prospectbar Lives v4.6              │
│    Up-to-date     │ Quartz                              │ 3.5.2                               │
│    Up-to-date     │ Quester                             │                             │
│    Up-to-date     │ RareTrackerCore (RT)                │ RareTrackerCore v1.0.12             │
│    Up-to-date     │ RareTrackerMechagon (RTM)           │ RareTrackerMechagon v6.0.10         │
│    Up-to-date     │ RareTrackerNazjatar (RTN)           │ RareTrackerNazjatar v6.0.10         │
│    Up-to-date     │ RareTrackerUldum (RTU)              │ RareTrackerUldum v6.0.10            │
│    Up-to-date     │ RareTrackerVale (RTV)               │ RareTrackerVale v6.0.10             │
│    Up-to-date     │ Rematch                             │                  │
│    Up-to-date     │ Routes                              │ v1.6.3                              │
│    Up-to-date     │ Routes Import/Export                │        │
│    Up-to-date     │ SavedInstances                      │ 8.3.4                               │
│    Up-to-date     │ Scrap (Junk Seller)                 │ 8.3.2                               │
│    Up-to-date     │ Scrap Cleaner                       │ 8.3.0                               │
│    Up-to-date     │ Shadowed Unit Frames                │ v4.2.9                              │
│    Up-to-date     │ SilverDragon                        │ v80300.5                            │
│    Up-to-date     │ Skada Damage Meter                  │ 1.7.7                               │
│    Up-to-date     │ tdBattlePetScript                   │ 80100.01                            │
│    Up-to-date     │ tdBattlePetScript Rematch           │ 80100.01                            │
│ Update suppressed │ The Undermine Journal               │ TheUndermineJournal.5.5.20200303.z… │
│    Up-to-date     │ TinyTooltip                         │ 9.0.1                               │
│    Up-to-date     │ TomTom                              │ v80300-1.1.4                        │
│    Up-to-date     │ TradeSkillInfo                      │ v2.4.4                              │
│ Update suppressed │ TradeSkillMaster                    │ v4.8.11                             │
│ Update suppressed │ TradeSkillMaster_AppHelper          │ v4.0.5                              │
│    Up-to-date     │ War Plan                            │ 3.11                                │
│    Up-to-date     │ Warfront Rare Tracker               │ 1.1.3-2                             │
│    Up-to-date     │ WeakAuras                           │ 2.18.4                              │
│    Up-to-date     │ weizPVP                             │ v1.9.1.3                            │
│    Up-to-date     │ World Boss Status                   │ v6.0.6                              │
│    Up-to-date     │ World Quests List                   │ World Quests List v.9.2             │
│    Up-to-date     │ WorthIt                             │ WorthIt - 3.1.7 - Patch 8.3         │
│    Up-to-date     │ WoW Challenger                      │             │
│ Update suppressed │ WoW-Pro Guides                      │ WoWPro L8.2.5-A4                    │
│    Up-to-date     │ xCT+ Combat Text                    │ dandruff-xCT+4.4.9(8.0.1)           │
1/1 | ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── |
│  Status   │ Name                  │ Version │
│ Installed │ ACE3 GUI Panel Widget │ v1.0    │

I have to run uninstall each time which is a bit annoying.

Any idea what this could be about?

AcidWeb commented 3 years ago

One of your addons declared it as required dependency on CF project level. Optional ones are not installed automatically. You should just leave it. Most probably author marked it wrong - it should be embedded.

Asbra commented 3 years ago

Alright, thanks, suspected it might be a dependency but couldn't find it. And thank you for a great software. :)