Acidham / chromium-hist-bookmarks

Search in Chromium History and Bookmarks
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Still working? #16

Closed commandcontrolit closed 2 years ago

commandcontrolit commented 2 years ago

Is this workflow still working? Seems the code is pointing to an old and non-existent repo. I tried updating to this repo, but can't get it to work.

Acidham commented 2 years ago

Sure is it working, I am using it daily ツ You mentioned that this code is pointing to an old, nonexistent repo. Can you tell me on what you are referring to?

commandcontrolit commented 2 years ago

Hi! Thanks for responding and I could be using the totally incorrect terminology here :)

So what I see in the workflow is

readonly remote_info_plist=""
readonly workflow_url=" Bookmarks and History.alfredworkflow"
readonly download_type='direct'
readonly frequency_check='4'

That doesn't seem to resolve to anything, but again - this might be on purpose

But since it is indeed working, I'm clearly doing something wrong.

When I type 'bm' or 'bh', I see the "Searching...." with the logo for the workflow - so it's being triggered, but it's as soon as I start typing, it goes away and it defaults to searching google, amazon or wikipedia

Maybe it's how my Alfred is setup? Any ideas?

Acidham commented 2 years ago

Please debug the workflow. Open Workflow Preference → Workflow → Chromium&Firefox Bookmarks and History Workflow and click the bug icon top right. Execute the workflow and let me know what error will be thrown.

commandcontrolit commented 2 years ago

Wow! Talk about debugging made simple! Also learned something new!

Here is what it captured

[10:05:11.579] Logging Started...
[10:05:16.340] Chromium&Firefox Bookmarks and History[Script Filter] Queuing argument ''
[10:05:16.436] Chromium&Firefox Bookmarks and History[Script Filter] Script with argv '' finished
[10:05:16.437] ERROR: Chromium&Firefox Bookmarks and History[Script Filter] Code 1: xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools), missing xcrun at: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/xcrun
[10:05:28.081] Chromium&Firefox Bookmarks and History[Script Filter] Queuing argument 'wwso'
[10:05:28.103] Chromium&Firefox Bookmarks and History[Script Filter] Script with argv 'wwso' finished
[10:05:28.104] ERROR: Chromium&Firefox Bookmarks and History[Script Filter] Code 1: xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools), missing xcrun at: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/xcrun
commandcontrolit commented 2 years ago

Found some help online:

xcode-select --install

Seems to have fixed the issue! Sorry for the false alarm

Thank you for the great tool!