AckslD / nvim-neoclip.lua

Clipboard manager neovim plugin with telescope integration
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system clipboard support #57

Closed doodleEsc closed 2 years ago

doodleEsc commented 2 years ago

yank in nvim works perfect, but the content copied from system to the register * and + does not show in telescope

this my config for clipboard-provider

  vim.g.clipboard = {
    name = "myProvider",
    copy = {
      ["+"] = "clipboard-provider copy",
      ["*"] = "clipboard-provider copy",
    paste = {
      ["+"] = "clipboard-provider paste",
      ["*"] = "clipboard-provider paste",
    cache_enabled = 0
# clipboard provider for neovim
# :help provider-clipboard

: ${COPY_PROVIDERS:=osc52 pb xclip tmux local}
: ${PASTE_PROVIDERS:=pb xclip tmux local}
: ${TTY:=`(tty || tty </proc/$PPID/fd/0) 2>/dev/null | grep /dev/`}


main() {
    declare p status buffer=99
    case $1 in
            for p in $COPY_PROVIDERS; do
                ${p}_provider copy && status=0
            done ;;
            for p in $PASTE_PROVIDERS; do
                ${p}_provider paste && status=0 && break
            done ;;

    exit $status

# N.B. buffer is global for simplicity
slurp() { buffer=$(base64 | tr -d '\n'); }
spit() { base64 --decode <<<"$buffer"; }

is_copy() {
    if [[ "$1" == "copy" ]]; then return 0; else return 1; fi

tmux_provider() {
    [[ -n $TMUX ]] || return $(is_copy $1)
    case $1 in
        copy) spit | tmux load-buffer - ;;
        paste) tmux save-buffer - ;;

pb_provider() {
    if ! command -v pbcopy &>/dev/null;then return $(is_copy $1); fi
    case $1 in
        copy) spit | pbcopy ;;
        paste) pbpaste ;;

osc52_provider() {
    # HACK: this ignores stdin and looks directly at the base64 buffer
    case $1 in
        copy) [[ -n "$TTY" ]] && printf $'\e]52;c;%s\a' "$buffer" > "$TTY" ;;
        paste) return 1 ;;

local_provider() {
    case $1 in
        copy) spit > $LOCAL_STORAGE ;;
        paste) cat $LOCAL_STORAGE && return 0;;

xclip_provider() {
    if ! command -v xclip &>/dev/null || [[ -z $DISPLAY ]]; then return $(is_copy $1); fi
    case $1 in
        copy) spit | xclip -i -selection clipboard;;
        paste) xclip -o -selection clipboard;;

main "$@"

clipboard-provider copy will send content to all the copy tools, such as pbcopy, xclip clipboard-provider paste will paste content and return as long as the one of the tools works.

right now, nvim to system works fine, telescope will show register content. But system to nvim not works, telescope do not show register content.