AckslD / nvim-neoclip.lua

Clipboard manager neovim plugin with telescope integration
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Issues Enabling Persistent History and Continuous Sync #77

Closed CharlesARoy closed 1 year ago

CharlesARoy commented 1 year ago

I'm trying to install sqlite.lua to enable persistent history in nvim-neoclip.lua but I'm having a hard time getting going.

I'm working on a machine running Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS. From the Installation instructions in sqlite.lua, I should install sqlite3 and libsqlite3-dev with a command like: sudo apt-get install sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev; however, unfortunately, I don't have sudo privileges on this machine.

I was able to install sqlite3 with Anaconda (and by compiling it from source) but I can't find a way to install libsqlite3-dev in a similar fashion.

Without libsqlite3-dev installed, when I enable persistent history in Neoclip, it doesn't seem to work. When I enable continuous sync in Neoclip, I get errors like this:


In my config, I have required sqlite.lua, e.g.: use { "AckslD/nvim-neoclip.lua", requires = {{"nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim"}, {'kkharji/sqlite.lua', module = 'sqlite'}} }

Do you think that my issue is caused by not having libsqlite3-dev or could something else be the cause?

AckslD commented 1 year ago

It looks indeed like the error is for the missing libsqlite shared library ( Unfortunately I don't know how to install it without root.