AckslD / swenv.nvim

Tiny plugin to quickly switch python virtual environments from within neovim without restarting.
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auto pick .venv dir #32

Open palandovalex opened 6 months ago

palandovalex commented 6 months ago

I am using poetry, and by my settings - it make virtual envs inside .venv dir in project root. Can your plugin handle it?

AckslD commented 6 months ago

Currently swenv assumes venv in a common folder. Your usecase seems more like enabling a venv in the current directory? This is not supported atm and not something I need but feel free to submit a PR which can reuse some of the functions here.

AckslD commented 6 months ago

Sorry btw, when writing the above comment I completely forgot that we have the auto_venv feature. Thanks for the PR, added some comments.