Open nigelwhite opened 5 years ago
Hmmm. You could try updating via update.php instead of with drush. Also, try drush entup
Patches need updating:
"patches": {
"drupal/commerce": {
"#2770731: Add a display name to promotions":
- "",
+ "",
"#2852207: Billing same as shipping":
- "",
- "#2938760: Variation fields can permanently disappear during ajax replacement":
- ""
+ ""
The other way to fix it is to pin commerce to version 2.11 where the patches seem to still apply:
- "drupal/commerce": "^2.9",
+ "drupal/commerce": "2.11",
$ composer update --with-dependencies drupal/commerce drupal/commerce_price drupal/commerce_product drupal/commerce_order drupal/commerce_payment drupal/commerce_payment_example drupal/commerce_checkout drupal/commerce_tax drupal/commerce_cart drupal/commerce_log drupal/commerce_store drupal/commerce_promotion $ vendor/drush/drush/drush updb
Module Update ID Type Description
commerce_product 8206 hook_update_n Set the 'published' entity key for variations.
commerce_product 8207 hook_update_n Update the variation 'status' field.
commerce_promotion 10 post-update Re-save order item promotions to populate the display_included field.
PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Drupal\commerce_promotion\Entity\Promotion::apply(Drupal\commerce_order\Entity\OrderInterface $order) must be compatible with Drupal\commerce_promotion\Entity\PromotionInterface::apply(Drupal\commerce_order\Entity\OrderInterface $order, ?Drupal\commerce_promotion\Entity\CouponInterface $coupon = NULL) in /home/qpc/docker-sites/ddev/demos/commerce-demo/web/modules/contrib/commerce/modules/promotion/src/Entity/Promotion.php on line 75 [error] Drush command terminated abnormally due to an unrecoverable error. Error: Declaration of Drupal\commerce_promotion\Entity\Promotion::apply(Drupal\commerce_order\Entity\OrderInterface $order) must be compatible with Drupal\commerce_promotion\Entity\PromotionInterface::apply(Drupal\commerce_order\Entity\OrderInterface $order, ?Drupal\commerce_promotion\Entity\CouponInterface $coupon = NULL) in /home/qpc/docker-sites/ddev/demos/commerce-demo/web/modules/contrib/commerce/modules/promotion/src/Entity/Promotion.php, line 75
site broken
Its hard to tell now which version I was updating from, but I think it was commerce: 2.11.0 and trying to go up to 2.13. In Drupal 8.6.13