ActianCorp / actian_tableau_connector

Tableau connector (aka taco) for Actian Avalanche, Vector, and Ingres
Apache License 2.0
1 stars 4 forks source link

Hab6 rework #26

Closed hab6 closed 1 year ago

hab6 commented 1 year ago

Notable Changes to Connector Source Code for this PR

  1. Reworked the JDBC connection dialog code in accordance with guidelines for Connection Dialog v2 (versus older v1 guidelines).
  2. Enabled use of case-insensitive Server value "(local)" that is auto-converted to "localhost" for the JDBC connection string. a. Server values tested successfully: (local), (LOCAL), (Local), (LoCal), localhost
  3. Set plugin-version to 1.0.2 in manifest.xml for both the JDBC and ODBC connectors.

Verification of Taco Code

The code for both the JDBC and ODBC connectors has been:

Jarsigner verification output (same for both the JDBC and ODBC taco)

 jar verified.
 The signer certificate will expire on 2023-10-08.
 The timestamp will expire on 2031-11-09.

Tableau TDVT Test Suite Results

Connector Passed Failed Total Tests Total Time
JDBC 819 46 865 50.13s
ODBC 823 42 865 25.78s

TDVT differences will be investigated via #25