Active-Learning-and-Teaching / ALT

An open-source mobile application to facilitate active learning and teaching.
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Allowing multiple instructors in a course who can start a quiz/feedback #99

Open jalote opened 2 years ago

jalote commented 2 years ago

Can we allow Instructor to add co-instructors in the course. The feedback results will only go the instructor conducting the feedback. Any instructor can start a quiz - quiz results go to the email specified.

Can we allow the instructor to add a TA as a co-instructor. This may be tricky, as TA may also be a student and may be enrolled in other courses using ALT. (If we can find a solution that the TA has to logout and login as a student when he/she is in class - even this will be acceptable).

rohan-dhar commented 1 year ago

Multiple approaches to handling multiple instructors / TA

  1. Create a new general User record type that can act both as an instructor and a student. This will require more substantial code changes as the user systems, like login, register etc., would need to be updated to support the new data design.
  2. Use existing Instructor and Student records to allow courses to have TAs. A hybrid student ID comprising the existing student ID and the course ID can be used to authenticate a student as a TA of a course. A list of TAs would also be needed to be added to each course. However, this will require minimal code changes as existing React native components can be used as-is with minimal changes.

We will go ahead with the second option as TAship is a small feature, and we do not need to make significant changes to the core functionality of ALT.

rohan-dhar commented 1 year ago

Implementation documentation -