ActiveBrainAtlas2 / activebrainatlasadmin

This is the ActiveBrainAtlas database portal. This project provides the admin area to edit data associated with the Active Brain Atlas project. It also provides the REST API.
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Copied-and-pasted polygons across different volumes: polygon color, line, and vertex setting #252

Open soliao opened 1 week ago

soliao commented 1 week ago

In an example, there are two volumes V1 and V2, each containing some polygons.

V1 is colored in blue and V2 is colored in green.

I copied one polygon on z=59 from V2 and wanted to paste it onto z=44 on V1 (there was no pre-existing polygon that belongs to V1 on z=44 before I pasted it). When I clicked the Paste button on the V1 panel, a polygon with correct shape appeared, and the polygon did belong to V1.

However, this new polygon was colored with green, which is the color assigned with V2.

Since the polygon is copied to V1, the color of the newly generated polygon should be blue as the default (although the color is re-adjustable by changing the color of V1 to another color and changing back to blue).

Not just the color, it appeared that at the time when a polygon is copied, its instant properties such as color, line width, and vertex size, are memorized. These properties weren't updated accordingly when the polygon is:

(1) Being pasted to a different volume that has a different setting. (2) Being pasted to the same volume, but the user has manually changed any of the (color, line, vertex) setting before clicking the Paste button.

Thank you!

eddyod commented 5 days ago

The user needs to be aware that the individual polygons do not have individual color codes. The user needs to be aware of the color manually. We can implement this later if the need is valid.