ActiveDirectoryManagementFramework / ADMF

Module for managing configuration contexts for Active Directory
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Export-AdmfGpo: Input is not a GPO object: Microsoft.GroupPolicy.Gpo #57

Closed dbeugger closed 6 months ago

dbeugger commented 6 months ago

Hi I can not export GPOs with Export-AdmfGpo. I getting an error 'Export-AdmfGpo : Cannot validate argument on parameter 'GpoObject'. Input is not a GPO object: Microsoft.GroupPolicy.Gpo. But the obejcts have the correct tyep:

PS> $x = Get-GPO  -All1
PS> $x[0] |  | Get-Member`
   TypeName: Microsoft.GroupPolicy.Gpo
Name                 MemberType Definition
----                 ---------- ----------
Backup               Method     Microsoft.GroupPolicy.GpoBackup Backup(string directory, string comment), 
WmiFilter            Property   Microsoft.GroupPolicy.WmiFilter WmiFilter {get;set;}

PS> Export-AdmfGpo -Path . -GpoObject $x[0]
Export-AdmfGpo : Cannot validate argument on parameter 'GpoObject'. Input is not a GPO object: Microsoft.GroupPolicy.Gpo
At line:1 char:35
+ Export-AdmfGpo -Path . -GpoObject $x[0]
+                                   ~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidData: (:) [Export-AdmfGpo], ParameterBindingValidationException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationError,Export-AdmfGpo

Why does Export-AdmfGpo not accept the value? I use PowerShell 5.1 on a 2022 Server

Regards Daniel

dbeugger commented 6 months ago

Hi I used ADMF 1.13.98. I forgot to check if there ist a newer version. I install ADMF 1.13.100. I can no export the GPO like a charm.

Regards Daniel