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new superhero dashboard - bugs and comments #190

Open peggychang opened 7 years ago

peggychang commented 7 years ago



Price type isn't clear (or is this a price label?) It's just a blank field. How do I know what it's for? I saw "day only" but I don't know if that's a price type or a label. image

Alternate price fields are not labeled image

If I enter my own text into the field for price type (like "week") and hit save, there's no error, but nothing happens.




peggychang commented 7 years ago

Here's a comparison on my mac: 2 sessions on the new session manager vs 6 sessions on the old dashboard. The old dash made the spot count a lot easier to find. I know we're giving more info on the new (and it will take some getting used to), but would like to keep finding ways of removing items and emphasizing the spots count which is the most common item that needs to be changed.



peggychang commented 7 years ago
shilpadalmia commented 7 years ago

@peggychang can you also note when you report the bug if your are logged in provider or admin?

peggychang commented 7 years ago

On the first bug, I was logged in as an admin. The other ones were as the provider.

shilpadalmia commented 7 years ago

I have numbered all the issues above, so easy to address each of them -

  1. The field you see next to the price is Price Label . There was a blank in that field, hence you were seeing the colon before the price. Will address the other issues
  2. We are renaming Session Name to Session label. This is so providers don't feel like it has to be entered and its just a way to label a session, will rename 'Label' to 'Session Label'.
  3. For Move, I am proposing to add both the locations & activity box in the Move Sessions modal, so this can be used to move a session to an activity or a location individually or in bulk.
  4. Default sessions - we don't allow blanks, why do you think blank is better than 0?
  5. Can you give me a use case where you need to bulk edit all sessions?
peggychang commented 7 years ago
  1. For Move, why do we need this separate from Edit? If you make bulk edit include Activity, then it captures the Move function.

  2. If default spot = 0, it's easy to overlook this and create a session that is already full. I was thinking leave it blank and show error if you try to save with a blank value.

  3. Use case: mathgymusa just gave me a new flyer with price change for all 9 Oak School sessions. I could filter for this location, but had to check all 9 boxes before doing the bulk edit.

(btw - I like how the edit/bulk edit modal comes up depending on how many sessions you have selected.)

shilpadalmia commented 7 years ago

If you don't think you need a separate Move functionality, we can take it off. This was to make it easy to quickly move a session just like some other quick edit features we have.

shilpadalmia commented 7 years ago

Regarding 4. - we actually just copy spot count from the original session. Are you sure you don't want to leave the original value?

peggychang commented 7 years ago

I don't think we would move to a different activity any more often than other edit functions, so I would take it off.

Looks like session copy is using same spot count, so that's ok. But creating a new session is defaulting to 0 spots.

keaboyd commented 7 years ago

Regarding 5 Bulk edit. I believe that we originally asked for a "select all" functionality but Satya said it would not work for providers who have a huge number of sessions. Something to do with paginated sessions, etc. But maybe I remember that wrong?

peggychang commented 7 years ago

On this page, change this line to:

Works great with websites built on Wix, Weebly, SquareSpace, and more.

For the branded page, I think the main use case is if they don't have a website (or their website hasn't been updated with sessions).

So you might make the headline say "Don't have a website? Or is your website outdated?"

peggychang commented 7 years ago

Tested today as a provider logged in:!/activities/sessions

On the edit session screen, the price label title is very close to the label for Base Price and it's a little unclear which field the red * is related to. The spacing could be increased to match the alignment on the Alt price label. image

peggychang commented 7 years ago

On the Sessions & Spots manager, if you make the Activity name clickable and blue text, see if you can remove the grey shading that goes across the activity name. I think the grey shading is too heavy since it appears on every session.