To make it more clear how to bulk edit. I often have to explain this to providers on the phone.
Make the mouseover text for the top checkbox say "Select all sessions on this page"
Add mouseover text for the individual session checkboxes that says "Select session"
Small wording change on Bulk Edit screen
At the top:
Replace "What data would you like to bulk edit?" with
"What information would you like to edit for the {count} selected sessions? You can check multiple items.
For the confirmation message:
Replace with "This will change the {field name1}, {field name2} for 20 sessions. Are you sure you want to proceed?
To make it more clear how to bulk edit. I often have to explain this to providers on the phone.
Make the mouseover text for the top checkbox say "Select all sessions on this page"
Add mouseover text for the individual session checkboxes that says "Select session"
Small wording change on Bulk Edit screen
At the top: Replace "What data would you like to bulk edit?" with "What information would you like to edit for the {count} selected sessions? You can check multiple items.
For the confirmation message: Replace with "This will change the {field name1}, {field name2} for 20 sessions. Are you sure you want to proceed?