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draft - find way to have parent engage with provider to get them listed and bookable on AH #423

Open peggychang opened 5 years ago

peggychang commented 5 years ago

Replacement for this message


shilpadalmia commented 5 years ago

@annie-activityhero can you suggest a good CTA to engage a parent to get the provider to add their schedules so they don't miss out on a registration from this parent?

shilpadalmia commented 5 years ago

Comments from Annie how does the requesting work? is it like the zappos feature where you can get notified when your item comes back in stock? some ideas

Royal Stage Performing & Visual Arts isn't currently accepting registrations because they haven't added their latest sessions. Let them know you'd like to see their sessions [click here]

Royal Stage Performing & Visual Arts isn't currently accepting registrations because they haven't added their latest sessions. [Encourage them to update their sessions]

Royal Stage Performing & Visual Arts hasn't added their latest sessions yet. [Notify me when they're open for registration]

Royal Stage Performing & Visual Arts is updating their sessions. [Notify me when they're open for registration]

shilpadalmia commented 5 years ago

There are following use cases for this:

For providers that have not upgraded, this should send a notification to the provider that a parent is interested in booking your sessions on AH. So they should add their sessions. Success would be if a provider upgrades & adds sessions. Example:

If a provider has upgraded, but not added their latest sessions. This could remind them to add their latest sessions. Example:

For a parent, in both of the above cases, they can be notified when this provider adds their latest sessions.

shilpadalmia commented 5 years ago

If a provider has not upgraded and a parent goes to the biz page, they see this currently: image Example:


Since you have not added your latest sessions to ActivityHero, you are missing out on registrations from users like {User FirstName}. It's very easy to add your sessions to ActivityHero. Simply [claiming your listing](link to claim), then go to your dashboard and add your sessions. Once you have added your sessions and reviewed our terms, we will notify {User FirstName} to register for your programs. Your listing will also be able to accept registrations from other users.

[Add My Sessions] (blue button)

For claimed providers {User FirstName} {User FirstName} just visited [{Provider Name} listing](link to their listing on AH) on ActivityHero and is interested in registering for your programs. ActivityHero is the largest local activity marketplace where thousands of families in and around you find and book activities for their children.

Since you have not added your latest sessions to ActivityHero, you are missing out on registrations from users like {User FirstName}. It's very easy to add your sessions to ActivityHero. Simply [log in to your dashboard](link to dashboard), and add your sessions. Once you have added your sessions and reviewed our terms, we will notify {User FirstName} to register for your programs. Your listing will also be able to accept registrations from other users.

[Add My Sessions] (blue button)

{Provider Name} added new sessions to their listing on ActivityHero and are open for registrations. [Click here](link to provider page) to go to their listing and register for their activities.

(small font) If you are no longer interested in {Provider Name} and do not want to receive future notifications, log in to your ActivityHero account and remove this provider from "My Saved List".