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add custom questions to waitlist form #431

Open peggychang opened 5 years ago

peggychang commented 5 years ago

from @Tventura1

Rock Band Land and Mathletes requests that our waitlist form includes the school name, or ideally one or more of their custom questions.

In this case of RBL, they are offering van pick up and want to hold spots for those schools. For Mathletes, Sandy wants to give priority to kids who are already in that school, but their classes are open to kids in all Los Altos schools.

One way to accomplish this is at the form level, indicate whether the whole reg form is needed for a waitlist. Then for these waitlisted students, they see the normal reg form and the provider gets their info. We could turn off the nag email to parent if the status is waitlist and they didn't finish form.

Or let providers choose which fields to include on waitlist form.

UpMetrics clients would like it this way too. Because a lot of free programs are full, and they want to see whole application to decide who to let in.