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CC Amt doesn't match AH #96

Open PamCrone opened 7 years ago

PamCrone commented 7 years ago

On June 2, the total per AH is $75 higher than the actual amount received from Braintree. I tracked it down to the registration causing the delta but I can't figure out why it happened. I'm hoping that you can help with that part.

Txn ID#112181 Reg ID#137019 BT ref# (carrier ID) 9zvmjnqr Order ID from BT #68412

Amt received is $575 but AH shows amt paid as $650. We calculated fees and disbursed to provider based on the $650 amount.

Do we need to adjust our payment to provider or simply revise AH to show amount paid as $575? Or, is there a third option I am not thinking of?

shilpadalmia commented 7 years ago

Dev is investigating this issue. But here's what I found - I see 3 discounts applied to this in the orders table - 2 Sibling Discounts for $25 each 1 Promo Code for $50 This accounts for a total $100 discount on the $675 original amount.

The question is why are there 2 sibling discounts & why did this not reflect in the registration_txns table.

Based on this, we have overpaid the provider by $50 sine the $50 is the provider promo code.

PamCrone commented 7 years ago

Is there an update on this? Once we finalize what happened vs what should of happened, I can determine the adjustment needed and we can contact the provider to explain.