Open lmz opened 1 year ago
Comments from prior discussion:
SFCTA: At what choice level is this made? Prior to destination mode choice so as to condition destination and mode choices? At the trip level? Can / should this be integrated with parking capacity constraint?
SANDAG: I believe it is implemented pre mode choice because parking cost affects mode choice. SANDAG's parking inputs are fairly detailed, maybe too detailed, and it makes data preparation very challenging. We are in the process of brainstorming simplify the model in a way to allow more practival parking data preparation. Our parking model is not capacity constrained. I'd prefer a model relies on more realistic parking inputs (think about the challenging effort to predict hourly, weekly, monthly parking cost and spaces by each MAZ for year 2050), I'd like to see a capacity constrained parking model with a simplified and streamlined parking space and cost inputs.
MTC: This submodel already exists so this means expanding on the specification of the model? So this is just a configuration/model specification change?
The current asim free parking model uses household variables such as income, workers, size, and work location to estimate free parking. Later models such as SANDAG's model use more detailed information to estimate free parking - household income, work location, monthly/daily/hourly parking by zone, monthly/daily/hourly parking supply by zone, zonal employment by sector (blue collar, white collar, etc.). A rich set of microzone parking cost and supply data is required.
Added from
ActivitySim Budget Phase 9.xslx