ActivitySim / populationsim

An Open Platform for Population Synthesis
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create inputs pre-processor #18

Open bstabler opened 6 years ago

bstabler commented 6 years ago

The inputs pre-processor reads each input table, runs pandas expressions (*_expressions.csv) against the table to create additional required table fields, and save the tables to the datastore. For example, it processes raw Census tables to create the required fields for population synthesis. The inputs pre-processor exposes all input tables to the expressions calculator so tables can be joined (such as households to persons for example). It reads the geographic crosswalk file in order to join meta, mid, and low level zone tables if needed. The format of the expressions file follows ActivitySim, as shown in the example below. The seed_households expressions file below operates on the seed_households input file and processes the NPF field to create the FAMTAG field, which is then used by PopulationSim in later steps.

Description Target Expression
HH is a family FAMTAG pd.notnull( NPF ) * 1
bstabler commented 6 years ago

@danielsclint suggested PopulationSim should be able to download the census bureau data directly as well.

bstabler commented 5 years ago

Check this out as well - - and let's add a link to the PopulationSim documentation.