ActoKids / AD440_W19_CloudPracticum

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Swagger #1

Closed Enshaedn closed 5 years ago

Enshaedn commented 5 years ago

Create EP Table

Enshaedn commented 5 years ago

I think this task will take a 3 hours.

Enshaedn commented 5 years ago

30 minutes: Refreshing memory on EP diagram Reviewing Swagger diagram from last quarter Creating base EP diagram in Excel

Next Steps: Finish filling in EP diagram Share EP diagram v1 with API team and get feedback Refine EP diagram

Task will then be complete

Enshaedn commented 5 years ago

Created the attached as the initial EP diagram.


The team informed me that it was discussed in class there probably wouldn't be a user so the diagram will need to be updated. Will await the video upload for last night's class before making changes.

-Roughly another 30 minutes.

Enshaedn commented 5 years ago

As I missed class Wednesday I watched all the videos to catch up. I also shared the previous EP diagram with the team for feedback. They said they didn't think /user was required. I had additional questions from the videos so I reviewed this Issue with @toddysm.

Currently working on updating the EP diagram to focus /event only as /user (or /admin) isn't necessary. IAM will essentially handle access to the API.

Once the next version is complete I will ask for team feedback again. Will need to check with Karen for Data Model to finish the EP diagram.

Total Current time: 1.5 hours

Enshaedn commented 5 years ago

Current version: image

Enshaedn commented 5 years ago


Enshaedn commented 5 years ago

Reviewed with team members and compared to Swagger from last quarter for reference.

Adjusted the order in the diagram and added the edited parameters to the PUT operation for /event/{eventID}.

Created wiki page in the api repo : EP Diagram

Total time: 2 hours