ActoKids / AD440_W19_CloudPracticum

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Test - Save data in MongoDB (On AWS/Elsewhere) #4

Closed Enshaedn closed 5 years ago

Enshaedn commented 5 years ago


T-travis commented 5 years ago

I am looking into saving data on AWS and through other hosts using MongoDB. I will be looking into MongoDB Atlas, mLab, and using an EC2 with MongoDB manually set up. I will also be developing a demo of the EC2 instance with a test document being stored. I estimate altogether this will take around 4 to 7 hours.

T-travis commented 5 years ago

Spent about 6 hours to finish research and ec2 demo

T-travis commented 5 years ago

See this wiki for details on the Database Options Research

T-travis commented 5 years ago

Complete this with DocumentDB: take Jon's code, write some code in node.js to call Jon's api and save data to DocumentDB (you can save a timestamp of when the api was called or whatever), have a way to show code to Toddy (add documentation in wiki or other and add comments to code) and have code working in a demo to test for him. Talk with Zak, he is doing the same thing with DynamoDB.

T-travis commented 5 years ago

Completing this took about 8 hours. Please see the wiki for details