ActualMandM / NXaea

A C# file extractor/packer for Arcaea (console version)
MIT License
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How do I actually replace files in game? #1

Open yozora1209 opened 4 months ago

yozora1209 commented 4 months ago

Hello, this is not particularly a problem with the script, I'm rather just wondering how do you replace the files in the game, I extracted all the romfs and stuff, made the edits I wanted to and then repacked using the script, however, the edits I made don't show up. I specifically edited lagrange's map to contain 5, 101 and 237 ether drops as rewards in the 3 tiles right before the partner, I placed both the repacked .pack and .json on sd:/atmosphere/contents/0100E680149DC000/romfs, they don't have any further file structure as far as I'm concerned? Do you have an insight on this?

ActualMandM commented 4 months ago

It's been a while since I've last modified a Switch game on real hardware, but that path does seem correct. It could be possible that the file you're modifying gets replaced by a later pack file in an update. It might be worth putting your file in the last pack file, and trying that. Alternatively, you could also try modifying the title screen assets to confirm your changes are actually being loaded.

This may also help out: With how I tested it, with the latest update on my computer (2.0.2): There's an empty pack in the romfs (arc_3), which allows me to essentially move the following pack files up, making arc_6 an empty pack where I can put the modified files into.

romfs (2.0.2): 2024-02-28_21-50-59_explorer

My mod setup: 2024-02-28_21-51-12_explorer