AcuGIS / Nominatim-Server

Script for Building a Basic Nominatim Server
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error on install #4

Closed jrischma closed 6 years ago

jrischma commented 7 years ago

Hi, during install show this


this is a problem or is normal?


DavidGhedini commented 7 years ago

What is the OS and Resources (RAM, CPU, and Disk type and amount)?

jrischma commented 7 years ago

Ubuntu 14.04.5 64BIT 20 GB SSD 2GB RAM 2GB CPU



DavidGhedini commented 7 years ago

What is the PBF you are trying to load?

jrischma commented 7 years ago

first try with second try with third try with ./ for last time i receive

Using projection SRS 4326 (Latlong) NOTICE: table "place" does not exist, skipping Allocating memory for dense node cache Allocating dense node cache in one big chunk Out of memory for dense node cache, reduce --cache size Error occurred, cleaning up ERROR: Error executing external command: /home/ntim/Nominatim-2.5.1/osm2pgsql/osm2pgsql -lsc -O gazetteer --hstore --number-processes 1 -C 1698 -P 5432 -d nominatim /home/ntim/chile-latest.osm.pbf Error executing external command: /home/ntim/Nominatim-2.5.1/osm2pgsql/osm2pgsql -lsc -O gazetteer --hstore --number-processes 1 -C 1698 -P 5432 -d nominatim /home/ntim/chile-latest.osm.pbf setup.log.txt

DavidGhedini commented 7 years ago

I don't think you are going to get very far loading South America on a DO2. Can you reload your box and try Washington, DC?

jrischma commented 7 years ago

my install finally work:

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get install unattended-upgrades sudo apt-get -y install git

git clone cd OpenNameSearch chmod 755 ./ chmod +x /etc/init.d/nominatim_updater

is necessary modify file settings/local.php

@define('CONST_Website_BaseURL', '');


DavidGhedini commented 7 years ago

Great! Thanks for sharing solution. Best, David

jrischma commented 7 years ago

thanks you! great script, good work! edit: maybe is necessary show requirements minimum for server, i test with 512MB and 1GB ram but not work. Edit2: do u have a script for install OSRM + Nominatim?