Ad5001 / BetterGen

PocketMine's Tomorrow's World Generator. Mirror of
58 stars 27 forks source link

Create PR, fixing tons of bugs #18

Closed inxomnyaa closed 7 years ago

inxomnyaa commented 7 years ago

WIP, do not merge yet

inxomnyaa commented 7 years ago

Done, can be merged.

Ad5001 commented 7 years ago

To explain this formating, I like 1 time opened the project with eclipse which decided to format it all !

inxomnyaa commented 7 years ago

To explain this formating, I like 1 time opened the project with eclipse which decided to format it all !

You don't format with eclipse. Rule no 1 of coding xd

AvgZing commented 7 years ago

Never format with eclipse. Rookie mistake

Ad5001 commented 7 years ago

I did not choose. It's been done automaticly. That's the reason I deleted it.