Ad5001 / BetterGen

PocketMine's Tomorrow's World Generator. Mirror of
58 stars 27 forks source link

how i can use this? #49

Closed RubyTemple closed 6 years ago

RubyTemple commented 6 years ago

how i can generate a custom world type pictures?

Ad5001 commented 6 years ago

/createworld [generator = betternormal] [seed = rand()] [options(json)]

RubyTemple commented 6 years ago

Yes but create a normal world...

Ad5001 commented 6 years ago

Do you mean that the generated world is the same as a normal one? Are you sure you're using an official bettergen version?

MonoAdrian23 commented 4 years ago

Funktioniert nicht!

MonoAdrian23 commented 4 years ago

Egal von wo man den Befehl eingibt, es passiert nix. Finde ich wirklich sehr schade da es Mal eine Alternative wäre zu dieser langweiligen Pocketmine Fw.