-type foo() :: a_very_long_atom_which_almost_spans_the_entire_line_1 %% comment a
| a_slightly_shorter_arom %% comment b
| ok.
-spec foo() -> foo().
foo() ->
Formatting this using default options yields
-type foo() ::
a_very_long_atom_which_almost_spans_the_entire_line_1 |
a_slightly_shorter_arom |
ok. %% comment a
%% comment b
-spec foo() -> foo().
foo() ->
Note how (1) comments are moved around and (2) indentation of them is completely garbled. Moving comments like this is IMHO is a big no-no. This prevents me from putting a comment on a specific part on the type specification, which is very annoying.
To Reproduce
See above.
Expected behavior
I would have expected comments to not be moved relative to the surrounding source code.
Rebar3 Log
Run rebar3 with DEBUG=1 and paste its output here.
> DEBUG=t ERL_FLAGS="-enable-feature all" rebar3 format
===> Load global config file /home/jespereskilson/.config/rebar3/rebar.config
===> Fetching rebar3_format (from {git,"https://github.com/AdRoll/rebar3_format.git",
===> 25.3 satisfies the requirement for minimum OTP version 23
===> Fetching katana_code v2.0.0
===> Making request to get package katana_code from repo hexpm (#{api_url => <<"https://hex.pm/api">>,name => <<"hexpm">>,
repo_name => <<"hexpm">>,repo_organization => undefined,
repo_url => <<"https://repo.hex.pm">>,repo_verify => true,
repo_verify_origin => true})
===> Version cached at /home/jespereskilson/.cache/rebar3/hex/hexpm/packages/katana_code-2.0.0.tar is up to date, reusing it
===> 25.3 satisfies the requirement for minimum OTP version 23
===> Compile (apps)
===> Running hooks for compile in app katana_code (/home/jespereskilson/tmp/format_bug/_build/default/plugins/katana_code) with configuration:
===> {pre_hooks, []}.
===> Running hooks for compile in app rebar3_format (/home/jespereskilson/tmp/format_bug/_build/default/plugins/rebar3_format) with configuration:
===> {pre_hooks, []}.
===> Running hooks for erlc_compile in app katana_code (/home/jespereskilson/tmp/format_bug/_build/default/plugins/katana_code) with configuration:
===> {pre_hooks, []}.
===> Running hooks for erlc_compile in app rebar3_format (/home/jespereskilson/tmp/format_bug/_build/default/plugins/rebar3_format) with configuration:
===> {pre_hooks, []}.
===> Analyzing applications...
===> Compiling katana_code
===> compile options: {erl_opts, [warn_unused_import,warn_export_vars,
===> files to analyze ["/home/jespereskilson/tmp/format_bug/_build/default/plugins/katana_code/src/ktn_dodger.erl",
===> Compiled ktn_io_string.erl
===> Compiled ktn_code.erl
===> Compiled ktn_dodger.erl
===> Compiling rebar3_format
===> compile options: {erl_opts, [warn_unused_import,warn_export_vars,
===> files to analyze ["/home/jespereskilson/tmp/format_bug/_build/default/plugins/rebar3_format/src/rebar3_formatter.erl",
===> Compiled rebar3_ast_formatter.erl
===> Compiled rebar3_formatter.erl
===> Compiled rebar3_format.erl
===> Compiled sr_formatter.erl
===> Compiled erlfmt_formatter.erl
===> Compiled rebar3_format_prv.erl
===> Compiled otp_formatter.erl
===> Compiled default_formatter.erl
===> Running hooks for erlc_compile in app katana_code (/home/jespereskilson/tmp/format_bug/_build/default/plugins/katana_code) with configuration:
===> {post_hooks, []}.
===> Running hooks for erlc_compile in app rebar3_format (/home/jespereskilson/tmp/format_bug/_build/default/plugins/rebar3_format) with configuration:
===> {post_hooks, []}.
===> Running hooks for app_compile in app katana_code (/home/jespereskilson/tmp/format_bug/_build/default/plugins/katana_code) with configuration:
===> {pre_hooks, []}.
===> Running hooks for app_compile in app rebar3_format (/home/jespereskilson/tmp/format_bug/_build/default/plugins/rebar3_format) with configuration:
===> {pre_hooks, []}.
===> Running hooks for app_compile in app katana_code (/home/jespereskilson/tmp/format_bug/_build/default/plugins/katana_code) with configuration:
===> {post_hooks, []}.
===> Running hooks for app_compile in app rebar3_format (/home/jespereskilson/tmp/format_bug/_build/default/plugins/rebar3_format) with configuration:
===> {post_hooks, []}.
===> Running hooks for compile in app katana_code (/home/jespereskilson/tmp/format_bug/_build/default/plugins/katana_code) with configuration:
===> {post_hooks, []}.
===> Running hooks for compile in app rebar3_format (/home/jespereskilson/tmp/format_bug/_build/default/plugins/rebar3_format) with configuration:
===> {post_hooks, [{compile,"escript priv/scripts/format"}]}.
===> 25.3 satisfies the requirement for minimum OTP version 23
===> 25.3 satisfies the requirement for minimum OTP version 23
===> Compile (apps)
===> Expanded command sequence to be run: [app_discovery,format]
===> Running provider: app_discovery
===> Found top-level apps: [format_bug]
using config: [{src_dirs,["src"]},{lib_dirs,["apps/*","lib/*","."]}]
===> Running provider: format
===> Formatter options: #{action => format,break_indent => 2,
output_dir => current,paper => 100,
unquote_atoms => false}
===> Found 3 files: ["src/format_bug.erl","src/format_bug.app.src",
===> Formatting "src/format_bug.erl" with #{module => default_formatter,
opts =>
#{action => format,
break_indent => 2,
output_dir => current,
paper => 100,
unquote_atoms =>
state => nostate}
===> Formatting "src/format_bug.app.src" with #{module =>
opts =>
#{action => format,
break_indent => 2,
output_dir =>
paper => 100,
unquote_atoms =>
state => nostate}
===> Formatting "rebar.config" with #{module => default_formatter,
opts =>
#{action => format,
break_indent => 2,
output_dir => current,
paper => 100,
unquote_atoms => false},
state => nostate}
Describe the bug Given the following code
Formatting this using default options yields
Note how (1) comments are moved around and (2) indentation of them is completely garbled. Moving comments like this is IMHO is a big no-no. This prevents me from putting a comment on a specific part on the type specification, which is very annoying.
To Reproduce See above.
Expected behavior I would have expected comments to not be moved relative to the surrounding source code.
Rebar3 Log Run rebar3 with
and paste its output here.