Ada-Developers-Academy / ada-build

Ada Build is curriculum that is intended for anyone who is interested in beginning their journey into coding.
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Issues spotted #293

Open charlie328 opened 1 year ago

charlie328 commented 1 year ago


I am just starting to look through the resources and noticed two things to start with on the languages page.

  1. Seems like there should not be an "a" in the JavaScript section. Item in question bolded below.

    JavaScript JavaScript is a another high-level dynamically typed language. JavaScript is used along side HTML and CSS as one of the most important languages in web programming. In many applications, we use JavaScript to provide a more dynamic and responsive experience for the end user.

  2. A "to" should be inserted within the ReactJS section. Item in question bolded below.

    ReactJS ReactJS is a JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. React allows front-end developers to organize their application and provide quick and powerful single-page-applications (SPAs).

I am also aware that these have previously been reported, sorry for the redundancy, but will continue to post here if I notice other issues.

Best, Char

charlie328 commented 1 year ago

Potential update

I noticed that in general external links open in the same tab, thus making you navigate away from the Ada lesson. I think it makes sense to open the links in separate tabs and keep the lesson page open so you don't lose where you are in the lesson when you click a link. Not a must, just a suggestion.

charlie328 commented 1 year ago

In Effective Internet Searching under Activities is suggested but seems to no longer be an active site. I checked and wikipedia said it was discontinued in 2013. Might want to remove that.

charlie328 commented 1 year ago

On the Problem Solving page under Optional Readings the only link listed is a broken link.

charlie328 commented 1 year ago

Within the Hello, World! lesson there are two sections that have mostly the same information. It should probably be in one place and not both places. I've pasted the two sections in question below.

Google Colab

For the Learning to Code portion of the Ada Build Curriculum we will review notes and complete exercises in a series of lessons in Google Colab. Colab is Google's hosting of Jupyter Notebook, an open-source web application that allows us to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations, and narrative text. Uses for Jupyter Notebook include: data cleaning and transformation, numerical simulation, statistical modeling, data visualization, machine learning, and much more. Here we are using Colab and Jupyter Notebook to create an interactive Intro to Python course.

Hello, World!

A Hello World program is the first program that people often write when exploring a new programming language. In this lesson we will write a hello world program in a code block in this Colab notebook. Colab is Google's hosting of Jupyter Notebook, an open-source web application that allows us to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations, and narrative text. Uses for Jupyter Notebook include: data cleaning and transformation, numerical simulation, statistical modeling, data visualization, machine learning, and much more. Here we are using Colab and Jupyter Notebook to create an interactive Intro to Python course.

charlie328 commented 1 year ago

Not sure if this is a typo/error or if I missed something -- is there a reason the conditional statement is on here twice? Very possible I missed something.

charlie328 commented 1 year ago

In Branching: Relational operators, Logical operators, Conditionals in section 3. Diagram and Output Prediction on problem 1 I got a syntax error. Should the code be updated to the following?

cookies = True cake = False

if cookies: print("OMG COOKIEZ") elif cake: print("OMG CAKE!") else: print("WHATEVZ DESSERTZ.")

charlie328 commented 1 year ago

Also in Branching: Relational operators, Logical operators, Conditionals in section 3. Diagram and Output Prediction I have two additional notes...

problem 3

Is the following intended to not have an else statement for food?

pet = "cat" food = "ice cream"

if pet == "cat": print("here kitty") elif pet == "dog": print("woof") else: print("some other sound")

if food == "broccoli": print("eh.") elif food == "ice cream": print("yum")

problem 6

Seems to have a logic error where it returns two outcomes, one of which is false. The previous 2 problems in the lesson solved this correctly though.

x = 7 y = 7

if x >= y: print("x is bigger") else: print("y is bigger")

if x == y: print("x = y")

charlie328 commented 1 year ago

It's possible I am misunderstanding the exercise, but it looks to me like within the Functions lesson under the Modules Exercise for Random the instructions are asking us to uncomment something that is not commented out. I've copied and pasted it below without editing.

random Run the following code cells multiple times to observe the random behavior.

Note that the first code cell results in a NameError because we did not first import the random module.

Uncomment the second line import random and run the code again.

[ ]

import the random module

import random

use the randint function that is part of the random module

randint is a function that returns a random value between the first and second arguments

random.randint(a,b) - Returns a random integer N such that a <= N <= b


charlie328 commented 1 year ago

Within lesson 4, Functions, there is an error in example 3 (halfway down the page). I used the solve posted by LaGaleev here although I am not sure if that is the intended solve.

charlie328 commented 1 year ago

Within lesson 5, Iterations: For and While Loops 3/4 down the page there is a Practice Problem for Reversing a String, but the code block is already complete and the set of tests appear to be missing. Screen shot of what I see without modifying it.

Screen Shot 2023-03-02 at 9 06 04 PM
charlie328 commented 1 year ago

In lesson 6, Lists, I am also seeing the error that LauraGaleev reported here. It appears in Creating Lists > With Data.

charlie328 commented 1 year ago

In lesson 6, Lists, within exercise 4 of List Replication I am seeing what looks like an error in the directions vs the code block. Pasting below is the unaltered code block and directions. The table indicates that I would only see 0s when printing the array zeros but the list also includes a 1 so it is actually 0s and 1s alternating 5x (10 total values).

Screen Shot 2023-03-07 at 8 53 27 PM
charlie328 commented 1 year ago

Real minor item. In lesson 6, Lists, within the section called for loops and ranges the copy under the code block says that the range argument evaluates to 5, but I believe that it evaluates to 4.

Screen Shot 2023-03-08 at 3 30 43 PM
charlie328 commented 1 year ago

In lesson 6, Lists, within the section called Debugging IndexErrors the first two code blocks are supposed to show IndexErrors, but they output an answer without showing an error.

Here is how it comes in the lesson without modifying it:

Screen Shot 2023-03-10 at 4 22 02 PM

Here is how I think it is intended to appear so that we can solve the errors:

Screen Shot 2023-03-10 at 4 24 04 PM Screen Shot 2023-03-10 at 4 24 13 PM
charlie328 commented 1 year ago

Minor note. In lesson 7, Dictionaries, Exercise: Create a Dictionary comes already completed instead of allowing us to solve as the instructions would indicate.