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Pattern Matching as an Ada Language Feature #34

Open sttaft opened 1 year ago

sttaft commented 1 year ago

This issue relates to the recent work by Randy and Steve on how to categorize the "held" AI12 AIs. AI12-0214-1 and AI12-0274-1 pertain to extending the "case" statement to handle composite types, or more general pattern matching. Below is a link to a paper I wrote for the SIGAda HILT 2022 Workshop on whether to extend the Ada "case" statement to handle more general pattern matching. It might prompt some thinking about this topic. I have circulated this internally at AdaCore, already.

I have also included a link to the associated powerpoint presentation.

Take care, -Tuck

Paper on pattern matching:

Presentation on pattern matching:

Here is a copy of the Introduction to the paper:

Many programming languages now include a pattern-matching feature, often introduced with the keyword match, e.g. OCaml[1], Python[2], Haskell[3] (Haskell doesn't require any keyword -- every function is considered a pattern match). These are not primarily focused on string pattern matching, but more on structure pattern matching, where the matching starts from an object of some structured type, and the individual patterns select particular structural patterns for specified actions.

These pattern matching features can be seen as a generalization of the case or switch statement available in most third-generation programming languages. But they typically include the ability to associate an identifier with some or all of the pattern, which is then usable inside the handler for the given pattern, knowing that that identifier refers to some part of the original object that satisfies the given part of the pattern.

One of the great benefits of a pattern matching language feature is that it can be used to implement logic that otherwise might require a long if/elsif/elsif/.../else chain. The pattern-matching equivalent to such a chain will generally be easier to read, understand, and maintain. Furthermore, it is possible to impose additional rules on pattern matching (including when it is something as simple as a conventional switch/case construct) that will foster more rigorous software development processes, and thereby allow more complete program verification at compile time. Here are the three most important such properties:

  1. Complete/Exhaustive -- ...
  2. Unambiguous -- ...
  3. Nonredundant -- ...
sttaft commented 1 year ago

Here are some comments from an ARG email chain on this topic:


Brukardt via Nov 19, 2022, 3:19 AM (1 day ago)

to ARG

Tucker writes:

This email relates to the recent work by Randy and Steve on how to categorize the "held" AI12 AIs. AI12-0214-1 and AI12-0274-1 pertain to extending the "case" statement to handle composite types, or more general pattern matching.

I rather wish you did not call extending case statements "pattern matching", since what most people think of as "pattern matching" has to do with strings rather than composite types. Muddling terminology (at least in an Ada sense) is not very helpful.

A case statement is a type of conditional with some extra (completeness) checks. Pattern matching and completeness are non-overlapping concepts, IMHO.

The stuff in the paper seems more like a solution looking for a problem than anything useful, and way too complex for the benefit. Especially because of the gyrations needed to meet Ada expectations.

I think there would be value to extending case statement to composite types with small numbers of discrete components. And that's it. Going beyond that harms readability, Ada fundamentals, and/or adds massive complexity.


Tucker Taft Sat, Nov 19, 8:26 AM (1 day ago)

to ARG

On Sat, Nov 19, 2022 at 3:19 AM Randy Brukardt []( wrote: Tucker writes:

This email relates to the recent work by Randy and Steve on how to categorize the "held" AI12 AIs. AI12-0214-1 and AI12-0274-1 pertain to extending the "case" statement to handle composite types, or more general pattern matching.

I rather wish you did not call extending case statements "pattern matching", since what most people think of as "pattern matching" has to do with strings rather than composite types. Muddling terminology (at least in an Ada sense) is not very helpful.

I hear you, but you will find that if you look at most other languages, the terminology I used is now pretty standard, at least when it comes to talking about a language feature as opposed to a library.

A case statement is a type of conditional with some extra (completeness) checks. Pattern matching and completeness are non-overlapping concepts, IMHO.

Again, I understand where you are coming from, but the notion of completeness or exhaustiveness is considered a pretty big deal in the pattetn matdhing language feature. To really understand the rationale behind the proposal, you will need to look at some languages like OCaml, Haskell, etc.

The stuff in the paper seems more like a solution looking for a problem than anything useful, and way too complex for the benefit. Especially because of the gyrations needed to meet Ada expectations.

Again, you will have to look at some programs that use pattern matching. It has become an important paradigm and many programmers now think in these terms. It may take some getting used to, but once you understand it, you will probably never want to go back to nasty, twisty, long then/else/elsif chains.

I think there would be value to extending case statement to composite types with small numbers of discrete components. And that's it. Going beyond that harms readability, Ada fundamentals, and/or adds massive complexity.

I don't happen to agree, but again, I can see why that might be your first reaction.



Richard Wai via Sat, Nov 19, 9:46 AM (1 day ago)

... I’m a bit on the fence with this feature and can sympathize with both sides here, though I’m probably more biased towards Randy’s position. I’m still trying to digest Tuck’s paper, but what sells me on that idea there is that there seems to be a relatively regular and elegant path to implementation of such a feature.

That being said, this is yet another one of those “exotic” (in the novelty sense) functional programming features that seem to be a fad right now, to be honest. I remained terrified that Ada is naively heading down the slipper slope of rying to do the thing that is popular at the time without a really really good rationale. In my view, mixing paradigms has not shown itself to be a helpful improvement to programming more practically.

The stuff in the paper seems more like a solution looking for a problem than anything useful, and way too complex for the benefit. Especially because of the gyrations needed to meet Ada expectations.

Again, you will have to look at some programs that use pattern matching. It has become an important paradigm and many programmers now think in these terms. It may take some getting used to, but once you understand it, you will probably never want to go back to nasty, twisty, long then/else/elsif chains.

I really do not understand this argument, for two reasons. Firstly I have yet to meet a non-functional, non-academic professional programmer (not mathematician or similar) that thinks in these terms. As anecdotal as that may be, it just strikes me as an academic bias. Pattern matching is really a functional concept, and functional programming remains highly niche in the industry, and is otherwise far more popular in academia. Secondly this is the idea that the pattern-matching approach is somehow more readable bothers me. It might be slightly more readable than spaghetti logic, but if one thing strikes me about Tuck’s paper and all other proposals I’ve seen on this, is how unreadable the pattern matching statements clearly have the potential to be, if not by default.

This is where I evoke Randy’s complaint about being a solution in search of a problem. We all agree that spheghetti logic is a problem. But it is the symptom of a larger problem that I think comes down problems in reasoning and design. Pushing pattern matching as a solution, in my view, seems to be a misapplication of a however elegant functional approach to a procedural problem. But that doesn’t really matter, because I think it is a non-issue. Spaghetti logic almost always arises from poor design, lack of experience, or non-programmer technical people writing algorithms (math, physics, engineering, etc). The solution to this issue, in my opinion, is better data modelling and program design, particularly better use of abstraction. Logic needs to be better modularized and specialized, i.e. SOLID principles and the like. Ada has always excelled at this, and is usually the thing that I find gets overlooked the most.

... What I’d really like to hear more argument about is how pattern matching, especially as it has been proposed so far, actually furthers Ada’s design principals.

If anything makes me warm to this idea is that it is one of those clearly optional features that programmers can live happily their entire lives without every touching. And Tuck’s paper seems to make a good case for practical and efficient implementation. But at the end of the day I have two burning questions: Is this feature really truly justified by wide-spread demand? And does pattern matching offer capability that is impossible with another other approach (I.e. procedural or OO approaches of better abstraction)?

Fixing poorly-written spaghetti code seems to be a poor rationale for this. Chasing popular movements with “me to” is worse. Suggesting that anything beyond a tiny niche of professional programmers think in terms of pattern matching, particularly those already using procedural/OO languages, is very suspicious to me.


Tucker Taft, Nov 19, 2022, 5:48 PM (19 hours ago) 

We should probably move this to a GitHub issue so others can participate.  But I will point out that pattern matching is not a recent "fad."  It has been fundamental to a number of programming languages since their inception, and as such has been around since the late 80's in languages like Miranda and Haskell and the mid 90's in ML and its follow-ons like OCaml.  OCaml is a widely-used language in both industry and academia.  There really is very little in pattern matching that is specific to functional programming, though those languages did embrace pattern-matching first.  For many folks, pattern matching is one of the most important ideas to emerge from functional programming languages, even if other features such as strict side-effect freedom have not been as widely adopted.


Raphaël Amiard via 12:44 PM (10 minutes ago)

Hi everyone,

I would love to have something to add but I mostly agree with all of Tucker's last message. Pattern matching is not a fad. I agree that there is some bridge to gap in terms of paradigms, but there is a huge amount of prior art in that domain, since other object oriented/procedural languages have already added pattern matching/or are in the process of.

Also wrt. terminology, it's a completely accepted ambiguity. One might say, unfortunately, but we have more to lose finding a new term, because most programmers today are used to that ambiguity.

Richard-Wai commented 1 year ago

So to follow up on responses to my concerns on this feature above, I apologize for using the admittedly polarizing "fad" terminology. I think this might have distracted my primary argument.

I recognize that pattern matching is not new, and I also appreciate that the boundaries between paradigms are not well-defined, or even perhaps real from a technical view. However I think they are extremely distinct from a conceptual view. To me this becomes an issue of culture and the art of programming more than the theory and science.

The conceptual paradigm of functional programming applies natural constraints to the approach for solving a given computational problem. That means the very foundation of a given approach might be wildly different than a procedural or object-oriented approach to the same problem. Naturally some individual programmers, industry segments, or academic specialties, might be more more or less accustom to certain approaches, and therefore certain comfortable frames of thinking.

I agree that mixing paradigms and creating a kind of "dialogue" between diverse frames of thought, and approaches to problems, is good for everyone. That alone is what puts me "on the fence" wrt this proposal. It is hard to deny that it will open-up new approaches to problems that are hard to foresee.

To me pattern matching really arose generally from the needs of a functional approach to complex computational problems, particularly involving structured data or deep logic hierarchies. These same problems can be solved efficiently and readably with mature and rich tools of abstraction, data modeling, and state management. That approach tends to be more distributed, whereas the functional approach seems to be more centralized (ergo a pattern-matching case statement).

What I really take issue with is the idea that adding pattern matching to Ada "solves" a problem, particularly if it is suggested the problem is complexity of logic. To me the solution to that problem ought to be by using the existing tools of abstraction, data modeling, and object-orientation.

Therefore without a strong "need" for this feature, I have to wonder if the complexity of implementation is worth it.

sttaft commented 1 year ago

My experience is that conditional logic inevitably becomes more complex during maintenance and enhancement, as a program tries to optimize various special cases. My belief is that pattern matching, so long as the three "desirable properties" are enforced at compile-time, is perhaps the best way to handle this inevitably growing complexity. The example in the paper was not a strawman -- it was from real production code used in our static analysis tool.

A static analysis tool is just one example of a case where you are always trying to do a better job, and the logic almost inevitably becomes more and more tortured. You can always say that a better programmer will do a better job, but I happen to think that a better language can make the best programmers even better, by providing better structuring mechanisms, and more compile-time guarantees. So I believe that the improved compile-time checking possible with pattern matching fits exactly into Ada's "sweet spot" where the programmer and the compiler work together to produce a safe, correct, and efficient program.

Richard-Wai commented 1 year ago

I definitely appreciate the application in static analysis, and that is probably the only aspect that really attracts me. I'll agree with the general experience of long-term maintenance, but I do not see how pattern matching, as proposed, saves us from the problem at all. The pattern matching syntax itself seems susceptible to unmanaged complexity and extreme unreadability. We already risked this a bit with executable contracts, but the pattern matching syntax takes that to a whole new level. I think at the end of the day that is what worries me the most.

sttaft commented 1 year ago

Whenever you have a long chain of if/elsif/elsif/... maintenance becomes a challenge, because there is no easy way to know whether at a given point in the chain, does the logic rely on the fact that all prior conditions were false, or could you safely re-order the "arms" of the if/elsif without affecting correctness? Furthermore, you end up thinking that performance might be improved if you shift which conditions are tested first, again without being sure it will break things. Finally, when it comes time to add a new condition, where is the "right" place to add the check?

With the proposed pattern matching rules, any legal ordering has the same semantics. Although I didn't talk a lot about performance, the intent is that multiple uses of the same query function (with matching parameters, if any) in a pattern never result in more than one actual call, so you don't need to worry about the order from a performance point of view either. Those two guarantees are by themselves a big step up from if/elsif chains, in my view. When completeness checks are added to the story, it becomes pretty compelling to me.

Richard-Wai commented 1 year ago

I'm thinking it would really make the case for this proposal if we could provide a few more really practical/common and maximally simple patterns that would benefit from pattern matching. The idea that we can have a much more rich coverage of conditions that the compiler can "prove" is full coverage is indeed very alluring. The red-black tree balancing example in your paper is definitely useful in general, but it's probably not something that the average programmer would find immediately relevant in their day-to-day lives, but I suspect other examples could be.

I definitely want to try my hands at this.. I think its an area I need to get more familiarity with.

sttaft commented 1 year ago

Two more comments from ARG mailing list:

Raphaël Amiard via Mon, Nov 21, 5:02 AM (2 days ago)

(Aside: We got plenty of push-back for conditional expressions and quantified expressions, continuing much further in this direction is a place many existing Ada users don't want to go.)

It would be really helpful if you restrained yourself from posing as the voice of the Ada community and making those kind of blanket statements. For every user that pushed back on those features I can probably find as many that love those features. If you want us to have a real debate on features that would be a prerequisite as far as I'm concerned.

Randy Brukardt via Nov 22, 2022, 9:41 PM (13 hours ago)

Raphaël Amiard writes:

(Aside: We got plenty of push-back for conditional expressions and quantified expressions, continuing much further in this direction is a place many existing Ada users don't want to go.)

It would be really helpful if you restrained yourself from posing as the voice of the Ada community and making those kind of blanket statements.

I consider it part of my job as Editor to listen to the voices in the community (something I do on my own time, BTW). Moreover, as the most visible ARG member, I probably receive somewhat more communications than anyone else. I will report on those when it is appropriate; I try to do so in a factual manner. If that comes off as "the voice of the community", it's not my intent to sound like everyone agrees with a particular opinion.

For every user that pushed back on those features I can probably find as many that love those features. If you want us to have a real debate on features that would be a prerequisite as far as I'm concerned.

It's not just the pushback on the conditional expressions, but also the commonly expressed desire that we not go further in this direction. I've heard a number of people say that they don't want Ada to turn into a functional language (and quite a few more than expressed concern about conditional expressions). I didn't put that into my original statement because it seemed too vague to report on (what exactly is the concern is hard to pin down).

As with everything, this is a data point; surely not the last word on anything. I think that many people who have pushed back do see the value of conditional expressions; it's certainly OK to push beyond some of the community's comfort zone. But one always needs to think twice when extending the language in a direction that at least a vocal part of the community has expressed reservations on.

sttaft commented 1 year ago

Richard wrote:

I'm thinking it would really make the case for this proposal if we could provide a few more really practical/common and maximally simple patterns that would benefit from pattern matching.

I agree that examples are critical to evaluate the benefit of proposed enhancements. Below is an example of a relatively tortured if/elsif tree, which happens to be from an interactive debugger written in ParaSail. I'll spend some time thinking about how a pattern-matching feature might or might not help in such a case, as a challenge... ;-)

         if Type.Is_Small() then
            const Int_Val : optional Univ_Integer :=
              Stack_Frame_Info::Peek_At_Address(Base, Offset)
            if (Type.Null_Value_For_Type() not null
                   and then
                Int_Val not null
                   and then
                Type.Null_Value_For_Type() == Int_Val)
              or else
                (Type.Null_Value_For_Type() is null
                   and then
                 Int_Val is null)
               //  This is the null value for the type.
               Print(Indent * " " | Prefix | "null");
               case Type.Type_Kind() of
                [#normal] =>
                  //  Print in hex (these are typically "faked" types
                  //  which are actually integers internally).
                [#univ_integer] =>
                  const Val : Univ_Integer := 
                    Stack_Frame_Info::Peek_At_Address(Base, Offset);
                  Print(Indent * " " | Prefix | Type_Name | "::(`(Val))");
                [#univ_real] =>
                  const Val : Univ_Real := 
                    Stack_Frame_Info::Peek_At_Address(Base, Offset);
                  Print(Indent * " " | Prefix | Type_Name | "::(`(Val))");
                [#univ_enum] =>
                  const Val : Univ_Enumeration :=
                    Stack_Frame_Info::Peek_At_Address(Base, Offset);
                    Print(Indent * " " | Prefix | Type_Name | "::`(Val)");
                [#univ_char] =>
                  const Val : Univ_Character :=
                    Stack_Frame_Info::Peek_At_Address(Base, Offset);
                    Print(Indent * " " | Prefix | Type_Name | "::\'`(Val)\'");
                [#basic_array] =>
                  {*"arrays are not small"* #false}
                  //  Print in hex
                [#univ_string] =>
                  {*"strings are not small"* #false}
                  //  Print in hex
               end case;
            end if;
         elsif Type.Type_Kind() == #univ_string then
            const Val : optional Univ_String :=
              Stack_Frame_Info::Peek_At_Address(Base, Offset);
            Print(Indent * " " | Prefix | Type_Name | "::\"`(Val)\"");
         elsif Indent > Indent_Limit or else Line_Count > Line_Limit then
            //  Don't show a large object beyond this indent
            Print(Indent * " " | Prefix | Type_Name | "::(...)");
         elsif Type.Type_Kind() == #basic_array then
            //  Basic Array
            const Type_With_Params := (if |Type.Parameters()| > 0 then Type
                                       else Type.Enclosing_Type());
            const Comp_Type := Type_With_Params.Parameters()[1].Data.Type_Desc;
            const Comp_By_Ref : Boolean := #false;
            const Obj_Base : optional Univ_Integer :=
              Stack_Frame_Info::Peek_At_Address(Base, Offset);
            const Max_Array_Len := 10;  //  Max # of array components to show

            if Is_Large_Null (Obj_Base) then
               Print(Indent * " " | Prefix | "null");
            elsif Is_Bad_Address (Obj_Base) then
               Print(Indent * " " | Prefix |
                 "has bad address `(Hex_Image(Obj_Base))");
               const Len : Univ_Integer :=
                 Stack_Frame_Info::Peek_At_Address(Obj_Base, 1);

               Println(Indent * " " | Prefix | Type_Name | "::[");
               Line_Count += 1;
               for I in 1 .. Len forward loop
                  Display_One_Obj (Obj_Base, I + 1, Comp_By_Ref, Comp_Type,
                    Indent => Indent + 2,
                    Line_Count => Line_Count,
                    Line_Limit => Line_Limit,
                    Indent_Limit => Indent_Limit);
                  Line_Count += 1;
                  if I < Len
                    and then
                      (I == Max_Array_Len
                         or else Line_Count > Line_Limit)
                     //  Too many components to show
                     Println(Indent * " " |
                       "  ... // total of `(Len) components");
                     Line_Count += 1;
                     exit loop;
                  end if;
               end loop;
               Print(Indent * " " | "]");
            end if;
            //  Normal large object
            {*"must be normal kind"* Type.Type_Kind() == #normal}
            const Obj_Base : optional Univ_Integer :=
              Stack_Frame_Info::Peek_At_Address(Base, Offset);

            if Debug then
               Println("Peek(`(Base), `(Offset)) = `(Obj_Base)");
            end if;

            if Is_Large_Null (Obj_Base) then
               Print(Indent * " " | Prefix | "null");
            elsif Is_Bad_Address (Obj_Base) then
               Print(Indent * " " | Prefix |
                 "has bad address `(Hex_Image(Obj_Base))");
            elsif Is_Polymorphic(Type) then
               //  Polymorphic object, just display indented
               //  First need to get "actual" type of polymorphic
               //  object, since that has the "actual" type of the
               //  enclosed object.
               const Poly_Header : optional Univ_Integer :=
                 Stack_Frame_Info::Peek_At_Address(Obj_Base, 0);
               const Type_Index := Poly_Header mod 2**48 / 2**32;
               const Poly_Type : optional Type_Descriptor :=

               Println(Indent * " " | Prefix | Type_Name | "::(");
               Line_Count += 1;
               if Poly_Type is null then
                  Println(Indent * " " |
                    "  Poly Type Index #`(Type_Index) invalid");
                    (Obj_Base, 1, Poly_Type.Components()[1].Is_By_Ref,
                      Indent => Indent + 2,
                      Prefix => "",
                      Line_Count => Line_Count,
                      Line_Limit => Line_Limit,
                      Indent_Limit => Indent_Limit);
               end if;
               Line_Count += 1;
               Print(Indent * " " | ")");
               //  Non-polymorphic, non-null normal "large" object
               const Components := Type.Components();
               const Decl_Of_Type := Type_Decl(Type);
               const Type_Region := Decl_Of_Type not null?
                 Decl_Region(Decl_Of_Type) : null;
               const Num_In_Type_Region := Type_Region not null?
                 Num_Items(Type_Region) : 0;

               --  Look for useful operations on type
               --  TBD: Use these to produce nicer output.
               const To_String_Op :=
                 Find_Op_Of_Type (Type_Region, "to_string");
               const Index_Set_Op :=
                 Find_Op_Of_Type (Type_Region, "\"index_set\"");
               const Remove_First_Op :=
                 Find_Op_Of_Type (Type_Region, "Remove_First");
               const Remove_Any_Op :=
                 Find_Op_Of_Type (Type_Region, "Remove_Any");
               const Indexing_Op :=
                 Find_Op_Of_Type (Type_Region, "\"indexing\"");

               if Decl_Of_Type is null then
                  Println("Type_Decl(`(Type.Name())) is null");
               elsif Type_Region is null then
                  Println("Type region is null for `(Id(Decl_Of_Type))");
               end if;
               Println(Indent * " " | Prefix | Type_Name | "::(");
               Line_Count += 1;
               for (each C of Components;
                    Comp_Offs in 1 .. |Components|)
                 forward loop

                  var Comp_Prefix := "";

                  for Item_Index in 1 .. Num_In_Type_Region loop
                     const Decl_In_Region :=
                       Nth_Item(Type_Region, Item_Index);

                     if Kind(Decl_In_Region) == #object then
                        const Comp_Index := Component_Index(Decl_In_Region);

                        if Comp_Index not null
                          and then [[Comp_Index]] == Comp_Offs
                           Comp_Prefix := Id(Decl_In_Region) | " => ";
                           exit loop;
                        end if;
                     end if;
                     //  Keep looking for matching component decl
                  end loop;
                  if Debug and then Comp_Prefix == "" then
                       ("No component matching `(Obj_Base)[`(Comp_Offs)]");
                  end if;

                    (Obj_Base, Comp_Offs, C.Is_By_Ref, C.Type_Desc,
                      Indent => Indent + 2,
                      Prefix => Comp_Prefix,
                      Line_Count => Line_Count,
                      Line_Limit => Line_Limit,
                      Indent_Limit => Indent_Limit);
                  Line_Count += 1;
               end loop;
               Print(Indent * " " | ")");
            end if;
         end if;
ARG-Editor commented 1 year ago

Just a note to repeat that this issue holds the feature request for the unfinished topic from Ada 2022 (in this case AI12-0214-1 [a simple version extending case statements to simple records] and AI12-0274-1 [a version more like the one Tucker describes here]. This fulfills the ARG resolution of November 10, 2022 to have an issue created for this topic.

sttaft commented 1 year ago

The paper submitted to the HILT workshop about pattern matching as a language feature has been expanded in anticipation of submitting it to the Springer "Journal of Software Tools for Technology Transfer". Here is the Google drive link:

It includes a few more examples, and a description of a reusable library that can be used to perform the compile-time checks proposed in the paper, for exhaustiveness, ambiguity, and redundancy.

sttaft commented 1 year ago

This is copied from Issue #56, by I will close #56 to avoid splitting the discussion.

Here are some comments on Rigorous Pattern Matching as a Language Feature: 2.2 Proposed Pattern Matching Syntax

simple_pattern ::=
[identifier :] unlabeled_pattern
| <identifier>

might be

simple_pattern ::=
[<identifier> :] unlabeled_pattern
| <identifier>

in oder to have a same syntaxe in both cases, for instance : <Val>:(0 .. 100 with mod 2 => 0, mod 3 => 1)

unlabeled_pattern ::=
| static_expression
| static_range
| subtype_mark
| property_pattern
| sequence_pattern
| map_pattern

might be

unlabeled_pattern ::=
| static_expression
| static_range
| subtype_mark
| property_pattern
| sequence_pattern
| map_pattern
| [not] null

in order to match accesses for instance:

case Panel, Button is
  when not null, not null => Panel.Toggle (Button);
  when not null, null => Panel.Create (Button);
  when others => raise GUI_Error;
end case;
sequence_pattern ::=
[ pattern [*|+]{,
pattern [*|+]} [, others => pattern] ]

might be

sequence_pattern ::=
[ pattern [*|+]{,
pattern [*|+]} [, others => pattern [+]] ]

in order to specify that the others part shall match at least once for instance: [’0’, ’x’ | ’X’, others => ’0’..’9’ | ’a’ .. ’f’ | ’A’ .. ’F’ +]

sttaft commented 1 year ago

Here is a further update to the paper, which now covers the issue of generating good error messages when one of the three "desirable properties" is violated:

Note: The above document has been updated further (as of 7-Feb-2024) to incorporate reviewer comments.