Ada-Rapporteur-Group / User-Community-Input

Ada User Community Input Working Group - Github Mirror Prototype
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Class-wide user-defined literals #5

Open sttaft opened 2 years ago

sttaft commented 2 years ago

We currently don't allow the use of literals for a class-wide type even if the root type has an Integer_Literal, Real_Literal, or String_Literal aspect. It seems like a natural generalization.

Working AI:

ARG-Editor commented 2 years ago

Some of us were hoping for a full proposal, especially as the rules requiring literals to be nonoverriddable seem unnecessary unless class-wide literals are supported.

mosteo commented 2 years ago

I did some experiments related to this and the aggregate initialization aspects. In case anyone is interested, there are slides and a presentation here: and the code is here:

mosteo commented 1 year ago

Hi there, I was just reviewing the last ARG minutes and this and #61 were assigned to me. Could someone with permissions add me to the Assignees of the issues?

@sttaft what would be the first steps? draft an IA? come up with some examples that clarify the issue at hand?

sttaft commented 1 year ago

@mosteo Yes, you should draft an AI using Google Docs, in the New AIs folder, and include one or more examples in the !issue and the !examples sections.

New AIs folder is here:

Start by copying the AI22-0000-template from the Active AIs folder down into the New AIs folder, and then edit the new file following the instructions.

Active AIs folder is here:

If you have questions that come up while drafting the AI, add a comment to this GitHub issue and hopefully someone will reply!

As far as being assigned the issue, I don't seem to have the ability to do that. Randy and Richard Wai are the only administrators of this GitHub repository, as far as I know.

Richard-Wai commented 1 year ago

@mosteo I have sent you an invite