AdaCore / RESSAC_Use_Case

A Collaborative Development Assurance Lab
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F_FC: different gain tables for braking and propulsion? #30

Open clairedross opened 7 years ago

clairedross commented 7 years ago

Hi Emmanuel,

In F_FC, I am not sure whether there are 3 or 6 different tables for gain scheduling. Indeed, in Parameter Data Items, it is said that there are three, one per phase: "Similarly to F_MM’s tabulated viability functions, three association tables, one per phase (climb, cruise, descent), give the means to select the appropriate PID gain triple (Kd, Kp, Ki) applicable to AV’s current sate vector." But in 6.7.4 (Gain Scheduling), there is a sentence which seems to imply that propulsion and braking should use different gain tables, which would raise to total count to 6: "There is a gain table swap at each Propulsion ↔ Braking swap." How many of them are there?

Thanks in advance,
