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Support for `Properties` in Ada & Spark #45

Open pjljvandelaar opened 4 years ago

pjljvandelaar commented 4 years ago

During a meeting with AdaCore, Nexperia and ESI, we were asked by AdaCore to submit this issue to trigger a discussion to determine whether a RFC is justified.

Support for Properties in Ada and SPARK

Current Situation

Desired situation

yannickmoy commented 3 years ago

@pjljvandelaar Pragma Test_Case allows you to specify properties that should hold on entry to the test (the optional Requires part) and properties that should hold on exit to the test (the optional Ensures part).

Currently, the proof tool called GNATprove which analyzes SPARK code ignores Test_Case pragmas/aspects. But this is really a tool issue more than a language issue. You should contact AdaCore if you want GNATprove to support Test_Case.

Regarding more complex properties, I think we routinely specify and prove such properties with ghost code in SPARK. The way to do that is to state a lemma, which is a procedure with a precondition stating the conditions for the lemma to apply, and a postcondition stating the property you want to prove. Then, you can use GNATprove to prove that lemma, using ghost code for more complex lemmas. See this section of the SPARK User's Guide about that process:

Some of the other requirements you had looked like tool enhancements, which you should report to AdaCore. Can you clarify in which case you would need a language feature instead, given my answers above?

yakobowski commented 3 years ago

@pjljvandelaar do you have an opinion on Yannick's answers?

pjljvandelaar commented 3 years ago

I consider Yannick's answer quite tool related due to statement such as

I would like properties to be really tool independent: to be really a language feature!

I don't want to add Pre and Post conditions to use just SPARK. I want to document my code with Properties, thus at least examples, standard Test cases, Pre and Post conditions, and Invariants.

And as a consequence be able to

If I specify the property x == reverse(reverse(x)), I want that any tool can use this information to help me ensure the quality of the software.

Similar if I specify "Pre => f(x)"

pjljvandelaar commented 3 years ago

To make my request even clearer, I describe my envisioned specification of the function Add:

function Add(X,Y : Integer) return Integer
     Example 'Simple' => Add(3,4) = 7
     Example 'Negative Value' => Add(3,-4) = -1
     Post => Add'Result = X + Y
     Invariant 'Identity Element' => for all I : Integer => Add(I,0) = I
     Invariant 'Inverse' => for all I : Integer => Add(I,-I) = 0
     Invariant 'Commutative'=> for all A,B : Integer => Add(A,B) = Add(B,A)
     Invariant 'Associative'=> for all A,B,C : Integer => Add(Add(A,B),C) = Add(A, Add(B,C))

I leave it up to the tooling to decide what to do with this additional information! Maybe a symbolic code rewriter can change Add(Add(X,Y),-X) to just Y based on this information!

yannickmoy commented 3 years ago

Hi @pjljvandelaar, what you're describing can readily be described by lemmas today:

procedure Add_Identity_Element (I : Integer) 
  with Ghost,
         Post => Add (I, 0) = I and then Add (0, I) = I;

procedure Add_Commutative (A, B : Integer)
  with Ghost,
         Post => Add (A, B) = Add (B, A);

procedure Add_Associative (A, B, C : Integer)
  with Ghost,
         Post => Add (Add (A, B), C) = Add (A, Add (B, C));

This is the extrinsic expression of a property instead of the intrinsic expression used in a postcondition. Here you're suggesting to use an aspect for this extrinsic expression of the property, that does not seem to bring such advantages to me compared to the use of lemmas as above (which reduce the use of quantifiers).

pjljvandelaar commented 3 years ago

Hi @yannickmoy,

First of all, I was not aware of the extrinsic expression of a property for GNATprove. I like it, and I will definitely going use it. However, this solution distributes information about the Add function. For some tools this is irrelevant. E.g. a test case generator will work perfectly. Yet for others, this has undesired consequences: a documentation generator, like GNATdoc, will be unable to provide me and my users with all the properties of the Add function.

clairedross commented 3 years ago

This is the extrinsic expression of a property instead of the intrinsic expression used in a postcondition. Here you're suggesting to use an aspect for this extrinsic expression of the property, that does not seem to bring such advantages to me compared to the use of lemmas as above (which reduce the use of quantifiers).

And works even when the function takes as parameters complex structures on which quantification is not possible.

-- Claire Dross Senior Software Engineer, AdaCore

yannickmoy commented 3 years ago

@pjljvandelaar For documentation, you need in any case to do something special to recover this information in a readable format. Just showing the aspect is not the best result. So here I would recommend using some conventions to help group the information. Exactly like you would do in a development in the Coq (or others) proof assistant, where you state lemmas after some definitions.

pjljvandelaar commented 3 years ago

We all seem to agree that users of Ada would like to specify pre and post-conditions and invariants of a function. We seem to disagree what is the best solution. One alternative is to add these features with minimal changes to the existing language. Another alternative is to add these features that leads to the best language in the long term.

The current situation (i.e. the use of lemmas) does imho not lead to the best language in the long term since

  1. Concepts get mixed: a post condition is not an invariant!
  2. Concepts get scattered: invariants of a function are described at multiple another functions.
  3. The definition of procedures & function is extended with ghost procedure without any body. Every analysis tool, including GNATcheck and home-brew analysis on top of libadalang, has to remove this category from their analysis. If not, these added function will generate warnings and errors like, defined procedure without implementation.

@clairedross about the quantifiers: Comparable alternative is of course

function Add(X,Y : Integer) return Integer
     Example 'Simple' => Add(3,4) = 7
     Example 'Negative Value' => Add(3,-4) = -1
     Post => Add'Result = X + Y
     Invariant 'Identity Element' => VALUE I : Integer BEGIN Add(I,0) = I END
     Invariant 'Inverse' => VALUE I : Integer BEGIN Add(I,-I) = 0 END
     Invariant 'Commutative'=> VALUE A,B : Integer BEGIN Add(A,B) = Add(B,A) END
     Invariant 'Associative'=> VALUE A,B,C : Integer BEGIN Add(Add(A,B),C) = Add(A, Add(B,C)) END

And to make Ada even less verbose: one could even define rules about the introduction of values in Invariants, since the types of these values are of course already specified in the declaration of the procedure/function.

pjljvandelaar commented 3 years ago

Or even:

function Add(X,Y : Integer) return Integer
     Example Simple => Add(3,4) = 7
     Example Negative_Value => Add(3,-4) = -1
     Post => Add'Result = X + Y
     Invariant Identity_Element(I : Integer) => Add(I,0) = I
     Invariant Inverse(I : Integer) => Add(I,-I) = 0
     Invariant Commutative(A,B : Integer) => Add(A,B) = Add(B,A)
     Invariant Associative(A,B,C : Integer) => Add(Add(A,B),C) = Add(A, Add(B,C))

All these alternatives can of course be mechanically transformed in the other representations.

yannickmoy commented 3 years ago

Hi @pjljvandelaar, I'm personally not convinced that this is more readable, rather the contrary. Also, this is not how it is done in languages like Coq or Isabelle, where people are used to describing such groups of theorems and lemmas separately from the definition of the function.

yannickmoy commented 3 years ago

Regarding the absence of body, in fact we do provide a body for such lemmas, which may be an empty body (begin null; end;) if you don't need to prove or don't want to prove the property using the auto-active proof method (where you guide automatic provers with ghost code, see

clairedross commented 3 years ago

On Fri, Jan 29, 2021 at 8:55 AM pjljvandelaar wrote:

Or even:

function Add(X,Y : Integer) return Integer with Example Simple => Add(3,4) = 7 Example Negative_Value => Add(3,-4) = -1 Post => Add'Result = X + Y Invariant Identity_Element(I : Integer) => Add(I,0) = I Invariant Inverse(I : Integer) => Add(I,-I) Invariant Commutative(A,B : Integer) => Add(A,B) = Add(B,A) Invariant Associative(A,B,C : Integer) => Add(Add(A,B),C) = Add(A, Add(B,C))

All these alternatives can of course be mechanically transformed in the other representations.

I am not sure why you call these lemmas 'invariants'. I think the usual meaning of an invariant is a property which is preserved by the subprogram, you might have a look at the stable properties of Ada202X. With respect to readability, it can seem like a good idea on such a small and simple example, but I am not sure it would work for bigger lemmas. Also, a lemma can very well speak about several subprograms, like distributivity for example: Mul (Add (A, B), C) = Add (Mul (A, C), Mul (B, C)). Would you put it as an invariant of Mul, Add, both? -- Claire Dross Senior Software Engineer, AdaCore

pjljvandelaar commented 3 years ago

@clairedross Looking back in this thread, I originally called them properties. So indeed Property or Lemma might be a better name than invariant.

@clairedross Some properties are indeed not uniquely coupled to a single function/procedure. Still I would like that a property is linked to the relevant functions, so decode(encode(x)) == x should link to decode and encode. Yet, abs(x) == max(x,-x) should not link to max!