AdaCore / ada_language_server

Server implementing the Microsoft Language Protocol for Ada and SPARK
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Use of 202x container aggregates can cause formatting to fail #1133

Closed robdaemon closed 1 year ago

robdaemon commented 1 year ago

Using the VSCode plugin v23.0.14, I get a failure of ALS during formatting code utilizing a container aggregate.

Snippet of the container:


type Token is record
  Token_Type : Token_Types;
  Lexeme     : Unbounded_String;
  Line       : Natural;
end record;

package Token_Vectors is new Ada.Containers.Vectors
  (Index_Type => Natural, Element_Type => Token);

package Source_Expected_Map is new Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Ordered_Maps
  (Key_Type => String, Element_Type => Token_Vectors.Vector);

function Create_Token (Token_Type : Token_Types; Lexeme : String; Line : Positive) return Token;
function Create_Token_Str
  (Token_Type : Token_Types; Lexeme : String; Line : Positive) return Token;
function Create_Token_Integer
  (Token_Type : Token_Types; Lexeme : String; Line : Positive; Value : Long_Integer)
  return Token;

And the code that attempts to get formatted and fails:

  Fixtures : constant Source_Expected_Map.Map :=
      [Create_Token_Integer (NUMBER_TOKEN, "", 1, 828_927_569_933), Create_Token (DOT, ".", 1),
      Create_Token (EOF, "", 1)]];

This code is somewhat contrived, but it's copied from my source file that is failing to format. The compiler doesn't have issues with this container aggregate with -gnat2022

The error in the VSCode output window is:

[Error - 3:03:56 PM] Request textDocument/formatting failed.
  Message: plaid-st-scanner-test.adb:1:1: Error formatting node (CompilationUnit). Keeping the initial input selection unchanged
s-wchcnv.adb:75 explicit raise
  Code: -32603 

If you use ( and ) instead of [ and ] for the aggregate, ALS formats the file, but the compiler says container aggregate must use [], not ()

reznikmm commented 1 year ago

I'm able to reproduce this with the next code:

with Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Ordered_Maps;

package Main is
   package Source_Expected_Map is new Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Ordered_Maps
     (Key_Type     => String,
      Element_Type => Integer,
      "="          => "=");

  Map :
   Source_Expected_Map.Map :=

end Main;

We will fix that. Thank you!

joaopsazevedo commented 1 year ago

@robdaemon this issue is now fixed in the master branch of libadalang-tools which contains the formatter used by ALS. It will be available in the next release of the ALS VSCode extension. Thank you for reporting and for the reproducer.