AdaCore / ada_language_server

Server implementing the Microsoft Language Protocol for Ada and SPARK
GNU General Public License v3.0
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declare expressions break the server #1177

Open johnperry-math opened 6 months ago

johnperry-math commented 6 months ago

Declare expressions were introduced in Ada 2022. For example:

function Can_Move (Here, From : Location_Record) return Boolean is
(declare Current : constant Pipe := Map (From.Row, From.Col); begin (
  case Map (Here.Row, Here.Col) is
    when Vertical =>      -- |
      (From.Col = Here.Col and then From.Row - Here.Row = 1
       and then Current /= Horizontal
       and then Current /= ES_Or_NW
       and then Current /= WS_Or_NE)
      or else
      (From.Col = Here.Col and then From.Row - Here.Row = -1
       and then Current /= Horizontal
       and then Current /= SW_Or_EN
       and then Current /= SE_Or_WN),
--  ...

I used this on day 10 of Advent of Code 2023, and while it compiled and ran fine, the VSCode Ada plugin replied

[Error - 4:50:51 PM] Request textDocument/formatting failed.
  Message: day10.adb:1:1: Error formatting node (CompilationUnit). Keeping the initial input selection unchanged
null template: <DeclExpr day10.adb:148:7-208:56>
  Code: -32603

This would seem to be a bug. I realize Ada 2022 support is a work in progress, but if user feedback helps prioritize things... :-)

In fact, I would be willing to contribute to this fix, and will try taking a look at it. Since I've never looked at this before, any suggestions on where to start would be appreciated.

setton commented 6 months ago

Hi @johnperry-math - thank you for the heads-up!

The fix would be adding support for declare expressions above this line - but I wouldn't try to fix this, since we're in the process of changing completely the formatting engine. We'll make sure to support the declare expressions in the new engine.

All the best,
