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AWS misreads comments in mime.types files. #379

Open Rombobeorn opened 1 month ago

Rombobeorn commented 1 month ago

AWS.MIME.Load is supposed to read "the common standard format used by Apache mime.types", according to the comment in That format includes comments that programs are supposed to ignore. AWS.MIME.Load reads the comments as a content type called "#" with many associated filename suffixes.

Here's a simple reproducer:

with AWS.MIME, Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Reproducer is
   Example : constant String := "";
   Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line('"' & Example & """ translates to """ &
                        AWS.MIME.Content_Type(Example) & """.");
end Reproducer;

Let the reproducer read the mime.types distributed with Apache HTTPD, or one of the copies distributed with AWS, or /etc/mime.types in the mailcap package in Fedora, RHEL and others, or /etc/mime.types in the media-types package in Debian. All of them contain the word "is", so the output will be:

"" translates to "#".

Correct output would be:

"" translates to "application/octet-stream".

Rombobeorn commented 1 month ago

Here's the patch I'm applying in Fedora: