AdaCore / gnatcoll-core

GNAT Components Collection – Core packages
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gnatcoll-core does not buld on rpi-4 - 64 bit with ubuntu-2020.4 LTS #83

Closed bjorn-lundin closed 10 months ago

bjorn-lundin commented 10 months ago

I do this

bnl@pi4:~/git$  git clone --recursive
Cloning into 'gnatcoll-core'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 21358, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (1950/1950), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (739/739), done.
remote: Total 21358 (delta 1215), reused 1863 (delta 1174), pack-reused 19408
Receiving objects: 100% (21358/21358), 7.58 MiB | 4.50 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (15509/15509), done.

bnl@pi4:~/git$ cd gnatcoll-core/

bnl@pi4:~/git/gnatcoll-core$ make prefix=/usr2/wcs/tools/gnat/12.3.0/gnatcoll install
gprinstall -p -f --target=aarch64-linux-gnu -XGNATCOLL_MMAP=yes -XGNATCOLL_MADVISE=yes -XGNATCOLL_PROJECTS=yes -XGNATCOLL_VERSION=0.0 -XGNATCOLL_OS=unix -XBUILD=PROD  --sources-subdir=include/gnatcoll --prefix=/usr2/wcs/tools/gnat/12.3.0/gnatcoll -XLIBRARY_TYPE=static -XXMLADA_BUILD=static -XGPR_BUILD=static \
    --build-var=LIBRARY_TYPE --build-var=GNATCOLL_BUILD \
    --build-var=GNATCOLL_CORE_BUILD gnatcoll.gpr
gnatcoll.gpr:24:06: imported project file "gpr" not found
gprinstall: "gnatcoll.gpr" processing failed
make: *** [Makefile:191: install-static] Error 4

What is missing?

t-14 commented 10 months ago

Like says, you need libgpr library from gprbuild project.

bjorn-lundin commented 10 months ago

I do have libgpr To install it, I did

git clone --recursive
cd gprbuild
export ADA_PROJECT_PATH=/usr2/wcs/tools/gnat/12.3.0/xmlada/share/gpr
make prefix=/usr2/wcs/tools/gnat/12.3.0/gprbuild setup
make all
make install

It has installed ok by the looks of bin and libexec dirs

bnl@pi4:~/git/gprbuild$ ls /usr2/wcs/tools/gnat/12.3.0/gprbuild/
bin  doinstall  libexec  share

then I added export ADA_PROJECT_PATH=$ADA_PROJECT_PATH:/usr2/wcs/tools/gnat/12.3.0/gprbuild/share/gpr I don't see gpr.gpr being copies anywhere in the installation. copy by hand cp gpr/gpr.gpr /usr2/wcs/tools/gnat/12.3.0/gprbuild/share/gpr/ does not improve

t-14 commented 9 months ago

gprbuild's make install only installs the tools, not the libraries. See the makefile for targets starting with libgpr.*

bjorn-lundin commented 9 months ago

And that was the missing part - make install doesn't install the libs. One would think the readme informs about that...

t-14 commented 9 months ago

Yes, we will add a mention to gprbuild's readme.