AdaCore / gprbuild

GPRbuild is an advanced build system designed to help automate the construction of multi-language systems.
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gprmode --mode=usage does not install static libraries #117

Open asarhaddon opened 1 year ago

asarhaddon commented 1 year ago

Hello. The following shell script reproduces the issue. The last line answers only one line: Install project Foo, but installs no file. Setting the verbose option does not help. The executable I have tested this with is built from the commit made on 20220801 in this repository, on a Debian x86 with gcc-12. There remains a few patches, apparently unrelated. Is this reproducible? Thanks.

cat > <<EOF                                                            
procedure Foo;                                                                 

cat > foo.adb <<EOF                                                            
with Ada.Text_IO;                                                              
procedure Foo is                                                               
   Ada.Text_IO.Put ("hello");                                                  
end Foo;                                                                       

cat > foo.gpr <<EOF                                                            
project Foo is                                                                 
   for Library_Name use "foo";                                                 
   for Library_Dir  use "lib";                                                 
   for Object_Dir   use "obj";                                                 
end Foo;
gprbuild -Pfoo.gpr
gprinstall -Pfoo.gpr -p --mode=usage